September 2005 Bush’s Speech
speech to the nation last Thursday was a disappointing spectacle aimed at
saving his beleaguered presidency and buttressing his declining approval
ratings. The speed and efficiently of Karl Rove’s ‘makeover ‘image team, that
offered the president a backdrop for his speech, was a sharp contrast to the
glacial speed of the FEMA bureaucrats responsible for the Katrina relief
tardy and disorganized performance to Katrina was eerily similar to his
September 11 response exposing his complete lack of leadership qualities. There
is little doubt that ‘no bid’ contracts will be offered to the well-connected
Republican corporate benefactors who will return the favor by opening up their
purse strings at election time to ensure the process of mutual enrichment
continues. Lucrative contracts have
already been awarded to Halliburton, Bechtel and Flour Daniels, totally
oblivious of the massive accounting fraud already perpetrated against US
taxpayers in their virtual rebuilding efforts in Iraq. Billions of dollars will
be squandered, with little oversight and when the dust settles, the poor and
impoverished will be forgotten and invisible, the corporate robber barons will
become richer and an enormous debt will be bequeathed to our children and the yet