Sunday, August 31, 2014

Israel – Response to local letter writer 8-30-2014

30, August 2014,                    Israel – Response to local letter writer

Sadly Ralph Bernstein echoes much of the standard Israeli propaganda which is largely falling on deaf ears to an increasing skeptical American population. Perhaps Bernstein is not aware that the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Jewish Voices for Peace and many, many other apolitical organizations have excoriated Israel for their violations of human rights and war crimes. I trust Bernstein doesn’t regard all these organizations to be anti-Semitic. Israel often boasts that they knew the exact coordinates of Hamas militant’s locations but does not offer any explanation why civilians were massacred in such large numbers. In a further act of terror, the IDF showered Gaza with leaflets warning that certain homes would be bombed with full knowledge that the residents had nowhere to run. Why were so many schools, mosques and UN buildings attacked? Why were power and sewage plants bombed leaving the starving population no adequate drinking water or electricity?

While I am certainly no fan of Hamas, it is puzzling to know how the Palestinians could have responded to the terror from drones and bombs raining down on the tight population in Gaza. Should they sing Kumbaya or do have the right to defend themselves? If Israel claims the right of self-defense why should Palestinians be denied the same right? Bernstein claims that Israel is a democracy. This is certainly true for Jews but is not true for non-Jews who are subjected to a number of Jim Crow-like laws and live in a suffocating occupation.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Response to NYT op ed regarding ‘how to discourage western jihadists from becoming radicalized’ 8-29-2014

29, August 2014                     Response to NYT op ed regarding ‘how to discourage western jihadists from becoming radicalized’

Before we cast ourselves as paragons of virtue, we should remember that we engaged in a ‘gloves off' jihadist pogrom with the help of our military and CIA overthrowing democratic governments like a game of global chess. A sample of our dark deeds, in 1953-54 the CIA (and British intelligence) orchestrated the overthrow of Iran's (parliamentary elected) Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, who had sought to build a true democracy and follow a neutral path between the Soviet Union and the West. 50 years ago, President Lyndon Johnson made the bogus claim that US naval ships had been attacked by North-Vietnamese PT boats in the Gulf of Tokin which drew us into  a disastrous conflict. Later Johnson retracted  his statement. Read ‘Hidden history of Vietnam “Kill anything that moves” by Nick Turse. He describes a litany of atrocities committed in Vietnam - 3.2 million killed 11 million wounded. More recently, Ayatollah Bush invaded Iraq based on bogus WMD’s which led to the death of over 1 million Iraq’s and the displacement of 3 million. Following 9-11 we went on another wild chase to Afghanistan ignoring the fact that 9 of the 11 hijackers were from our bosom ally, Saudi Arabia. Moving off my soap box, I agree with many of the comments made that we should cut off the funding of these ISIS jihadists and seek help from Muslim scholars to critically evaluate the Koranic verses for proper interpretation or removal of the more offensive passages. 

The Corporate Robber Barons 8-29-14

29, August 2014, The corporate robber Barons

More and more companies are establishing corporate headquarters overseas in counties offering significantly lower tax rates, a process called tax inversion.  Burger King is one of the latest high profile company’s which is planning to move their corporate headquarters to Canada where the corporate tax is 27 percent. James Henry, former chief economist of McKinsey & Company, noted that because Canada has a territorial corporate income tax structure, the US treasury will not receive any taxes from Burger King’s 6,000 overseas locations.

The Obama administration estimated tax inversions cost the U.S. as much as $17 billion each year. Corporate inversions are a growing menace. From 1983 to 2004 there were only 27. Just last year there are at least 50 under consideration. Ireland is a favorite tax haven where the tax rate is 12 per cent. In a recent article in Rolling Stones, entitled "The Biggest Tax Scam Ever" Tim Dickerson describes “how top U.S. companies are avoiding hundreds of billions of dollars parking their profits abroad — and still receiving more congressionally approved incentives.” Top offenders include Microsoft, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Wal-Mart, McDonald, and Caterpillar.

General Electric enjoys an effective rate of 4 percent – 31 percent below the U.S. tax rate. Meanwhile our schools, basic infracture continue to suffer with declining federal tax revenues. The oligarchs have a chokehold on our declining democracy. Citizens it is time raise your voices. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Response sent NYT op ed : Hamas 8-25-14

25, August 2014,        Response sent NYT op ed : Hamas

Sadly, the NYT gives generous space to propagate Israeli propaganda. Israeli journalist Gideon Levy said it best; “the Middle East peace will never come until the Israeli government drops its rejection of basic Palestinian rights. Sure Israel wants peace, Israel just doesn’t want a just peace. When was Israel willing to give up its occupation? Never.” The strategy was very simple; maintain the status quo, gain time, gobble up more and more land; Hamas is a terrorist group and therefore we can never negotiate peace with a terrorist group – how convenient! Create a walled city stealing more and more Palestinian land and ensure unconditional US support –voila! you have it – greater Israel using the barrel of a gun. Where is the proof – building more and more settlements and toss dissenters in dungeons without charge? Justice Israeli style. Example, Levy has received death threats after calling on Israeli Air Force pilots to refuse to bomb Gaza. It’s time to take Israel to the International Criminal Court and hold them accountable for war crimes. Perhaps we should also be held accountable for aiding and abetting Israel in their messianic zeal to fulfill their biblical prophecy!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Genocide in Gaza 8-21-14

21, August 2014 Genocide in Gaza

As the Israeli offensive in Gaza continues, more and more children continue to die – 467 since July. 3,000 have suffered severe injuries and 1,000 will suffer a lifelong disability; 1,500 have been orphaned. Many of their schools have been destroyed and few hospitals are fully functional. According to the United Nations, a staggering 373,000 children are severely traumatized. Their future remains extremely bleak. Over 1 million of Gaza’s 1.8 million are children under the age of 17.

Pernille Ironside, chief of UNICEF’s Gaza field office stated "there isn’t a single family in Gaza who hasn’t experienced death, injury, or the loss of their home; the psychological toll on its people, especially the children is staggering. The type of weaponry that’s being used is literally shredding and obliterating people, and particularly children. All this is coming on top of already deep—deep wounds from two previous conflicts.” Many children have expressed regret they could not have perished under the rubble for there no future in Gaza – only more excruciating pain.

The norms of international law have been severely compromised where civilians and U.N. facilitates, which have been fully coordinated with Israeli officials, have been deliberately targeted. Not even the sanctity of the UN flag has been respected. Jewish Voices for Peace, Amnesty International, Human rights Watch and many other groups have expressed deep outrage over the ongoing genocide, more especially as our Pentagon continues to replenish Israel’s arsenal of these terrifying weapons.  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

War on Journalists & Whistleblowers 8-17-14

17, August 2014                     War on Journalists & Whistleblowers

In a new report, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union issue dire warnings of  "large-scale surveillance seriously hampering U.S.-based journalists and lawyers in their work." They describe an unhealthy media climate where journalists are forced take time consuming steps to protect their sources. Sources are now in mortal fear of talking, as aggressive prosecutions scare government officials into remaining silent, even about issues that are unclassified.

For lawyers, the threat of surveillance is stoking fears that will be unable to protect a client’s right to privacy. Alex Sinha, and Jeremy Scahill have authored a report entitled, "With Liberty to Monitor All: How Large-Scale U.S. Surveillance Is Harming Journalism, Law, and American Democracy”. Brian Ross, chief investigative correspondent for ABC News, stated “that we sometimes feel like you’re operating like somebody in the Mafia. You’ve got to go around with a bag full of quarters and, if you can find a pay phone, use it, or use, throwaway burner phones. Journalists are made to feel like criminals”. A number of other reporters including, Jonathan Landay, national security reporter for McClatchy Newspapers, echoed Brian Ross sentiments.
In a determined effort to protect his source under threat of jail time, James Risen of the NYT has displayed enormous courage under fire and should be awarded the highest honor. Shame on Obama and Eric Holder for vilifying and bullying such an American hero. It is also time to demand that the Obama administration cease and desist its war on Whistleblowers. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Militarization of Law Enforcement 8-15-14

15, August 2014 Militarization of Law Enforcement

Response to NYT op ed 15, August 2014

Mercifully, the mood in Ferguson has changed drastically over the past 24 hours. On Wednesday night, the city resembled a war zone as police fired tear gas, stun grenades and smoke bombs.

Common sense prevailed, as the newly appointed African-American Highway Patrol captain, Ron Johnson, was put in charge of security and ordered the ‘big gun’ military weapons to be put away. Johnson helped to defuse the tense situation by mingling with the crowd.  Attorney General Eric Holder expressed concern regarding the deployment of military equipment and vehicles to quell a relatively minor domestic incident. What Holder forgot to mention was the federal government’s role in supplying local police forces with military-grade equipment – all paid with federal dollars from grant money generously doled out by the Department of Homeland Security.  Radley Balko, author of the book, "Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces” commented, "when we take domestic police officers and train them like soldiers and give them military gear and dress them up like soldiers and tell them they’re fighting a war — a war on crime or a war on terror — it is going to alter their mindset where they’re going to start to see themselves as soldiers”. It is time put a halt to the militarization of law enforcement, heighten racial sensitivity and aggressively recruit more minorities.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Is Anti-Semitism on the Rise? 8-13-14

Comment on NYT editorial on ‘The Rise of Anti-Semitism’

There is little doubt that anti-Semitism is on the rise. Israel has triggered such world-wide revulsion of its apartheid policies giving rise to anti-Semitism. It has used victimhood to justify its enormous aggression on the Palestinians. Its classic response to critics of its policies is to accuse them of being anti-Semitic or self-hating Jews. It is a self-defeating strategy. The US is so blatantly partial to Israel it can never be regarded as an honest broker. The US media and politicians rarely formulate their own views but instead parrot the Israeli talking points. “Israel has a right defend itself”, but are silent on the right of Palestinians to defend themselves. Israel is rapidly becoming a pariah state shunned by the international community for its expansionist policies – more and more settlements expanding its boundaries to fulfill its dream of a greater Israel. Netanyahu has clearly stated this as an overriding objective. If the anti-Semitic genie is to be put back in the bottle and recorked Israel will have to abandon its colonial polices and reach an honest accord with Palestinians based on fairness and mutual respect.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Terrorism (Response to local letter) 8-12-14

12, August 2014 Terrorism (Response to local letter)

Ralph Bernstein (letter 12 August) seems a trifle confused with the meaning of terrorism. Dial back to our preemptive strike on Iraq in 2003. We launched a highly destructive ‘shock and awe’ attack on Iraq based on bogus claims of WMD’s resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis (the Lancet estimates $1,000,000) and millions more internally displaced. We helped ensconce Maliki who has engaged in acts of terrorism against the Sunnis and after eight years of increased authoritarianism, overwhelming sectarianism precipitated the current crisis. Our current strategy, dropping bombs in Iraq will surely cause the death of thousands of innocent civilians. Airlifting military and other US personnel by helicopters would be a far better option than indiscriminate bombing.
Bernstein (in his numerous letters) consistently ignores the root cause of the Israeli conflict, namely the colonial style suffocating occupation. Demolishing Palestinian homes, periodically subjecting thousands of Palestinians to collective punishment and tossing hundreds more into Israeli dungeons - are all acts of terrorism. According to Gisha, an Israeli Human Rights group,, recently revealed that as early as 2007, Israeli Prime-Minister Ehud Olmert, urged the government to maximize the suffering of the Palestinians by “putting them on a starvation diet and severely restricting the delivery of fuel and other necessities.” Finally, Israel’s early para-military Zionist organizations, the Haganah, the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang, committed horrific acts of terrorism and ethnic cleaning against the Palestinians, driving out 750,000 from their homes.  

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Syria, An Indian Perspective 9-4-13

4, September 2013            Syria, An Indian perspective

Indo-Americans have made considerable inroads professionally and are making a significant impact politically both at the local, state and national levels. As a nation who was formerly regarded as “the jewel in the crown” of the British Empire we often bring a unique perspective to U.S. domestic and foreign policy issues. Sadly, the U.S. media and political pundits have too often been unduly influenced by their close proximity to the Washington power elite and have frequently compromised their integrity and the interests of the American people serving as an echo chamber for government policies. An independent media, like India Currents, offers a much needed forum in local Indian customs and traditions. The following article is a small effort to broaden our collective concerns in matters of war and peace. We should have learned important lessons in the run up to the wars and Iraq and Afghanistan but our government is once again beating the war drums and railroading us into yet another potential armed conflict.

The White House launched a "flood the zone" blitz campaign to persuade a skeptical Congress to authorize a limited bombing of Syria. It released a military resolution that authorizes the president to use the armed forces "as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in connection with the use of chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in the conflict in Syria”. The Assad regime must be comforted by the U.S. position as this gives them the green light to kill as many of the Syrian opposition forces – with little danger of future U.S. interventions provided they do not use chemical weapons, a charge that remains unproven. The slaughter of 100,000 did not invoke such an outrage but the death of 1,400 – the number is in dispute – has invoked moral indignation.
It is puzzling to understand how we have suddenly become the paragons of virtue in excoriating the Assad regime. There is little doubt that Assad, like his father is a brutal dictator. But have we forgotten the dark chapters of our own history? – the  nuclear bomb attacks on Hiroshima & Nagasaki that vaporized tens of thousands of innocent civilians; carpet bombing of Vietnam with Agent Orange; the use of white phosphorus and depleted uranium in Iraq; aiding and abetting Saddam Hussein in his chemical attacks on the Iranians and Kurds?

The London Independent reported that the British Government was under fire for 'breathtaking laxity' in its arms controls after it emerged that officials authorized the export to Syria of two chemicals capable of being used to make a nerve agent such as sarin a year ago," allowing a British company export licenses for the dual-use substances ... in 2012." It certainly seems that profits triumph human life.

A US attack would likely rekindle collective memories of Arabs and Muslims outrage of previous Western hegemonic attacks. The bogus claims of Saddam Hussein’s WMD’s followed by the U.S. ‘shock and awe’ attacks on Iraq is deeply seared into Arab minds who are highly distrustful of our humanitarian intervention claims. Iraq has been torn apart by sectarian violence triggered by death squads whose chief architect was James Steele – a U.S. veteran of the dirty wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador.
Several questions arise out of Secretary of State, John Kerry’s testimony to Congress.
How did U.S. intelligence come up with such a precise number of fatalities of 1,429 including 426 children which contradicts U.N reports ‘boot on the ground assessment’ in an extremely hostile area?

"Anthony Cordesman, a former senior defense official who is now with the ... Center for Strategic and International Studies, challenged Kerry’s death toll statistics charging that he had been "sandbagged into using an absurdly over-precise number ... the number didn’t agree with either the British assessment of 'at least 350 fatalities" or even the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which confirmed 502 dead, including about a hundred children.

If the assault and damage inflicted on the Syrian regime is limited – a Goldilocks strike, Assad could be elevated to become a new ‘Bin Laden’ hero – resisting the military might of the U.S. Here again, the US administration comments were contradictory – Kerry the military strikes would be “unbelievably small’ was countered by Obama “we don’t do pinpricks.”
Mark Seibel of McClatchy, co-author of the article, "To Some, U.S. Case for Syrian Gas Attack, Strike Has Too Many Holes”, argues that  a U.S strike might weaken Assad’s military capability but would have unintended consequences by strengthening the more extremist elements of the opposition, namely, al-Nusra, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which are two al-Qaeda-affiliated organizations. These groups have been at the forefront of all major attacks against Assad’s government forces.

The U.S now claims it had "collected streams of human, signals and geospatial intelligence" that showed the Assad government was preparing for an attack three days before the event. “If this is true, why didn’t the U.S. warn the opposition of a planned attack and avert the fatalities? 

Meanwhile, the US and Russia continue to finger point claiming their ‘allies’ are innocent. 
In another stranger twist, Dale Gavlak of the Associated Press interviewed a number of rebels who admitted they received chemical weapons from Saudi Arabia. They further admitted they had little knowledge of their capability and accidently triggered the explosions that led to the tragic loss of life. According to the residents of Ghouta, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan supplied the weapons via a Saudi militant, Abu Ayesha. They were supposed to be delivered to an Al-Qaeda offshoot, Jabhat al-Nusra, but got intercepted by a group of inexperienced rebels. If this is true, it completely derails the US rush to war. It further erodes US credibility, tarnishes Obama’s leadership and might precipitate the downfall of his presidency.

Fortunately, in a bizarre twist of events, Assad has now agreed to destroy his stockpile of chemical weapons and has given President Obama a much needed lifeline to postpone a potential defeat by Congress. Perhaps, most disturbing is the reported in-fighting, rebel-on rebel, among opposition forces with Al Qaeda forces determined to kill Syrian resistance fighters in an operation they have dubbed “expunging filth”. 
Vladimir Putin, whose New York op ed article reeked of hypocrisy in projecting himself as the guardian of human rights and justice, nevertheless deflated the US self-promoted claim of being ‘exceptional’. A country that has incarcerated more people than the rest of the world, whose have-nots are increasingly marginalized, where educational standards have declined precipitously, a nation that is experiencing horrific acts of gun violence and whose government is paralyzed with indecision by its deeply entrenched ideology and is beholden to rivers of money flowing from its corporate masters can hardly merit the mantle of ‘exceptionalism’.

The western brokered agreement on destroying chemical weapons may be largely irrelevant to Syrian who are being killed by AK-47’s, missiles and bombs. Valerie Amos, UN humanitarian chief estimates 7 million Syrians are in critical need of aid. One-third of Syrians have been displaced equivalent in American terms to 100 million.
Bio – Jagjit Singh is a retired computer professional. He is an active member of Amnesty International and is a founder and director of a non-profit, company Aid for Indian Development which supports numerous charities in India; he is an avid writer for the past 50 years.

Friday, August 1, 2014

CIA - GATE 8-1-14

August 1, 2014    CIA-GATE

CIA Director, John Brennan, apologized to the Senate Intelligence Committee after previously feigning outrage that such a ‘hollowed’ agency should be accused of illegally monitoring their computers. The explosive report reportedly documents extensive abuses and a massive cover-up by CIA officials. This is reminiscent of the bungling attempts of the Watergate plumbers. Only two weeks before John Brennan issued his weasel words of apology, the Obama Justice Dept. announced it would pass on investigating the allegations of CIA spying on Congress. Why? Doesn’t spying on Congress constitute high crimes? Has the separation of powers been mysteriously expunged from the US Constitution? According to AP reports the White House has already devised a series of talking points to further whitewash a torture report that's been watered down, redacted and edited into a sanitized version suitable for a Readers Digest condensed edition for the entire American family. Among the proofreaders was George Tenet, Bush torture architect and Medal of Freedom winner, still close to his former acolyte, Brennan,  who was invited to all the cutting and pasting sessions. It’s a direct reflection on the Obama admintration that he should have nominated Brennan who has an extremely checkered past. It’s inexplicable that President Obama should express “great confidence” in Brennan’s leadership when he disgraced himself before Congress. The buck stops at the White House and he should reverse his decision and fire Brennan and James Clapper who also lied before Congress.