Thursday, December 19, 2019

India’s sliding into a dictatorship 12-19-2019

19, December 2019            India’s sliding into a dictatorship

Following in the footsteps of the US, the cancer of intolerance has engulfed much of India. The new “howdy” Modi is rapidly becoming “adios” Modi as India’s prime minister attempts to stifle growing outrage over the anti-Muslim Citizenship bill.

Protests have erupted across India in response to the Indian Parliament’s decision to give favored treatment to Hindu and other non-Muslim migrants in India.  Like most autocrats, Modi has suspended access to the Internet for 60 million people fearful that social media may amplify the outrage.  Last year the internet was shutdown 134 times, and this year 93 times removing a bastion of democracy, free speech. Much like “President Nixon’s enemy list” Modi has crafted an enemy list of dissidents including prominent reporters. A climate of fear has gripped India and the iron boots of India’s police and paramilitary has been unleashed on protestors.

The shutdown of the Internet has severely impacted small entrepreneurs who sell their products online.

This new law follows on the heels of the highly controversial decision revoking Kashmir’s autonomy, and rounding up thousands of Muslims, many simply disappearing during the complete lockdown .  Many Kashmiris have been jailed without charge, journalists intimidated and negative economic news censored.

Repeated demands by prominent members of the opposition Congress Party, including Shashi Tharoor,   a prominent member of parliament and a former diplomat, to visit Kashmir on a fact finding mission have been denied. Sadly, India’s long traditions of democracy and secularism are under assault and the country is rapidly sliding into an authoritarian state.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Vietnam Redux, Afghanistan the Graveyard of Empires 12-13-2019

13, December 2019     Vietnam Redux, Afghanistan the Graveyard of Empires

According to a trove of documents obtained by the Washington Post, senior U.S. officials deliberately misled the American people throughout the 18-year campaign, making sunny pronouncements they knew to be untrue and hiding unmistakable evidence the war was doomed to fail.

Remember Vice President Dick Cheney boasting “we have the Taliban on the run” mimicking President Nixon’s oft repeated pronouncement “we see light at the end of the tunnel,” misleading progress in the failed Vietnam War.

“We didn’t know what we were doing, confessed General Lute, The White House’s Afghan war czar during Bush and Obama’s administrations.

2,400 American lives lost, 20,589 wounded and thousands of innocent Afghan civilians killed and maimed. Unable to cope with the horrors of war many US soldiers took their own lives.

The core failings of the war that persist to this day span three presidencies, Bush jnr, Obama and Trump.

Obscene amounts of money were squandered in the mistaken belief that Afghanistan would be crushed with America’s superior firepower ignoring the mistakes of Vietnam, Iraq and so many other failed conflicts.

Sadly, no government official will be held accountable for the appalling mistakes in conducting the war or fueling runaway corruption and failing to put a dent into Afghanistan thriving opium trade. This is also a damning indictment of Congress which completely failed in its oversight duties. The CIA and military budgets need to be drastically cut to halt these costly military adventures.  Afghanistan really is the graveyard of empires.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Saudi’s military in the US 12-11-2019

11, December 2019                      Saudi’s military in the US

The recent Pensacola naval base shooting focuses much needed attention on our continued relationship with the Saudi kingdom.

The leaders of Saudi Arabia claim they are devastated by the deadly attack and intend to “help out” the families of those murdered.

It comes as a complete surprise to learn that we are we training their military after the Saudi prince, MBS, planned the assassination of Khashoggi and the dismemberment of his body.

Saudi Arabia has never been a true friend of the United States because of its extremist Islamic ideology.

Riyadh is a destabilizing force in the region; its repressive regime has bred terrorists and supported radical Islamic groups World-wide. It has funded $billions to religious schools which often serve as incubators for suicide bombers. Its treatment of women is appalling. If found guilty of adultery they can be stoned to death, Thieves can have their hands cut off following the dictates of Sharia Law. According to Amnesty International, security forces continue to torture and ill- treat detainees to extract confessions to be used as evidence against them at trial. Recently, 32 defendants accused of spying for Iran were subjected to torture and forced confessions.

Saudi Arabia’s royal family helped finance al Qaeda in the years just prior to the 2001 terrorist attacks.

In its report on the still-censored “28 pages” implicating the Saudi government in 9/11, “60 Minutes” reported the Saudi role in the attacks has been “soft-pedaled” to protect America’s “delicate alliance” with the oil-rich kingdom. Its enormous oil wealth has insulated it from public censure for its rampant acts of international terrorism. 

In complete violation of the Emoluments clause Trump and his family continue to do business in Saudi Araba. The Saudis helped salvage Kushner’s investment for his property, the Tower, at 666 5th Avenue with a massive infusion of cash.

Americans should be very wary of our continued relationship with Saudi Arabia still seeped in “stone age” traditions and customs. Saudi military personnel are a clear and present danger and should leave the US immediately.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Donald Trump receives a dose of his own medicine 12-7-2019

7, December 2019              Donald Trump receives a dose of his own medicine

Unprotected by the Republican sycophants in Congress and his darling Fox and Friends. NATO leaders ridiculed Donald Trump for his insulting behavior and to his customary barrage of insults. Crushed and thoroughly humiliated Trump made a hasty retreat and returned home sniveling and snarling exposing his razor thin-skinned vulnerability.

Traumatized by the looming impeachment, Trump he had sought comfort from British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, telling him that his letter to Ukraine’s president was flawless. A thoroughly exasperated Johnson told him he didn’t care a “Brexit” about his problems.  

Mr. Trump, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen, stay home don’t shatter America’s declining image any further. You have done enough damage.

Mr. Trump has burnt all his bridges with his uncouth behavior and threats. Alas, he has only two friends, Vladimir Putin and the Saudi prince, MBS, who seems to enjoy decapitating his opponents. Perhaps one day with the release of his tax returns we will all learn the true nature of his friendship with Putin.  Is there a quid pro quo with the wily Putin? Why are Mr. Trump and his super hero, Giuliani, trying to promote a bogus theory of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election? Is it to deflect attention away from Russia? Are the chickens finally coming home to roost?

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mike Pompeo 12-5-2019

5, December 2019                          Mike Pompeo

It is a pity that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who had so much potential hitched his wagon to the thoroughly disgraced President Trump putting his professional career ahead of the welfare of his staff.

He seemddefend paralyzed with fear as he witnessed, an outstanding Foreign Service officer, Marie Yovanovitchwas being railroaded and trashed by his boss.

The ever petulant and insecure Trump lashed out after Yovanovitch who felt bullied calling her “bad news”.

The dark shadow of special agent, Rudy Guliani orchestrated the smear campaign that ended her carrer. In a just world, Gulliani should be on the FBI most wanted list. In a rare moment of truth, Pompeo’s deputy secretary of state, John Sullivan admitted that Yovanovitch had discharged her duties  “admirably and capably” and postured that Guliani was befind her removal. 

It is time Guliani is summoned before the House to expain his nefarious activities. He is a clear ? and present danger to the survial of our crumbling democracy.

A warning to all U.S. dimplomats, watch your bback”if you fall afoul of the twitter-in-chief, your boss Pomeo will be MIA.

Pompeo will remain hopelessly mute if the Twitter knife ends your careers.



Monday, December 2, 2019

Bogus charges of anti-Semitism in the UK 12-2-2019

2, December 2019           Bogus charges of anti-Semitism in the UK

British Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has again condemned anti-Semitism,

to dispel charges levelled at him by Britain’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, who accused Corbyn and his Labor Party of anti-Semitism ahead of national elections on December 12.

What has incensed Mirvis is Corbyn’s criticism of Israel’s military occupation and siege of Gaza. Accusations of anti-Semitism is a familiar playbook to silence critics of Israel’s apartheid policies. Mirivis’s criticism is a blatant effort to tilt the December 12 election in favor of Boris Johnson.

Contrary to Maris’s criticism, Corbyn has spent his entire political career as a fierce critic of racism, and has an unblemished record of activism as a backbencher. The Labor Party has traditionally taken the political lead in combating racism and colonialism.

By speaking out as the voice of British Jews, Mirvis has drawn unwanted attention on Britain’s Jews and made them much less safe.

Much like the strong position taken by Senator Bernie Sanders, a Jew, Corbyn’s Labor party has promised in its latest manifesto to stop selling weapons to Israel (and Saudi Arabia) which have been used to slaughter innocent men, women and children in Yemen and Gaza.

Mirvis falsely believes that by wounding Corbyn he can help propel a benevolent Tory party ignoring Tories long history of promoting trade over concerns for human rights abuses by Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Mirvis’s flagrant intervention in the election campaign actually bolsters the cancer of antisemitism that is rapidly making inroads into the Conservative party. Mirvis seems to have forgotten the actions of   arch-anti-Semite Arthur Balfour who signed off the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that sought to end Britain’s “Jewish problem” by encouraging European Jews to migrate to the Middle East displacing e Palestinians who had lived in Palestine for centuries.

The pro-business weekly, the Economist, declared that those identifying as “very right-wing”, were three and half times more likely to support Johnson and support hostile attitudes towards Jews and non-whites especially blacks and Muslims.

The Labor Party has long history of opposing colonialism, a dark stain on Britain’s history.

Nations who were finally granted independence from Britain found themselves fragmented and impoverished. India and Cyprus were prime examples of states, often with borders imposed out of naked imperial interest that left them divided and feuding. 

The west helped engineer both the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and Israel’s creation. Israel acquired nuclear technology with the help of Britain and the US ensuring the Palestinians were made Israel’s serfs in perpetuity.

 Efforts to shame Israel for its gross human rights violations with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction campaign which is modeled on South Africa’s apartheid policies have been vigorously opposed by powerful British and American Jewish organizations.

Billions of dollars have been diverted from impoverished and homeless Americans to prop up Israel.

Many critics accuse Israel and Mirvis of “spiting g on the grave of their ancestors” by using the anti-Semitic crimes of the Holocaust to justify the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.