Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bush’s Nightmare 12-2-2007

2, December 2007                   Bush’s Nightmare

"What Bush really meant to tell Tim" - a response to David Brook’s version (DN 10, February "04). "Tim, I have been unable to sleep, tortured by my decision to launch an unprovoked attack on Iraq. We planned this invasion a few days after I assumed office and were compelled to dismiss and ridicule the U.N. inspectors’ findings to justify our unprovoked attack. Off course, David Kay's report vindicates the U.N - no WMD,  no connection between al Qaeda, 9/11 and Saddam Hussein. This connection was hyped on my orders. I felt certain that the American people and the media would not challenge a "popular war' time president. Tragically, the media and the Democrats never challenged the policies of my Administration. The checks and balances, so painstakingly crafted by our founding fathers, failed and precipitated this crisis. As a devout Christian, I believe in the sanctity of life and it grieves me to know that my decision to invade Iraq has resulted in the tragic deaths of hundreds of our troops and thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians. I offer my sincere apologies to the American and Iraqi people and before I leave office, I will request the Congress to make restitution to the Iraqi people for the devastation we have caused to their country and people."