Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Native American Indians 6/29/2021

29, June 2021                            Native American Indians

Failed government policies, sheer neglect and cruelty continue to haunt native American Indians. Driven off their land by early European invaders, corralled into  barren, unfertile reservation lands native Indians are now facing the devastating impact of climate change. In parts of Alaska the coastal waters and high tide are getting dangerously close to many schools. Storms are increasing in intensity posing danger to many Indian tribes.

Reservations from Alaska to Florida are threatened by climate change. These unlivable reservation communities must be relocated to higher ground. This should be front and center of federal infrastructure plans. This would also be a perfect time to pay reparations for past sins for the welfare and survival of native Indians. Massive cutback in military spending could easily pay for the relocation costs. It is time to halt failed military adventures (Iraq, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan) squandering  $trillion ending up in monumental failures bringing untold misery to millions of people around the world. The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land follows a close parallel to the historical   genocide of Native Indians. An additional cost saving of $3B annually would accrue by halting military aid to apartheid Israel (designated by Hunan Rights Watch) and which many governments in the world regard as excessively cruel.