Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Response to letter writers in The Stanford Daily RE: Israel 1-31-2007

31, January 2007 Response to letter writers in The Stanford Daily RE: Israel
Response to Roei Kashi & Mishan Araujo, Stanford Daily 29 January 2007
Predictably, the pro-Israeli ‘attack dogs’ were busy vilifying Norm Finkelstein, Students Confronting Apartheid in Israel (SCAI), and any other critic of Israel. This is an ongoing strategy of blowing clouds of smoke is an effort to distract the public from the human rights abuses by Israeli settlers and IDF forces. Any legitimate criticism of Israeli polices is always viewed as ‘unbalanced’. No mention is ever made of the illegality of seizing large swaths of Palestinian lands, uprooting thousands of olive trees, bulldozing Palestinian homes, targeted assassinations and utter disdain for international law. 

Perhaps Roei Kashi (Stanford Daily January 29), is not aware that the U.S., with the full knowledge and approval of Israel, shipped large quantities of arms through Egypt to arm Fatah and then watched with glee as Hamas and Fatah fought one another – a common ‘divide and rule’ strategy used by all colonial powers. Kashi claims that Israel does not kill children intentionally. Nothing could be further from the truth. I urge Kashi to read the testimony of former IDF soldiers (part of a growing known as ‘breakingthesilence’), who routinely report of gross human rights violations including the slaughter of women and children. 

Chris Hedges of Harper magazine reported the deliberate targeting of Palestinian children as a favorite sport of IDF soldiers. The theft of tax money by Israel has exacerbated the suffering of the Palestinians, especially the most vulnerable population, the malnourished children. Glaringly omitted from Kashi’s diatribes is any reference to Israel’s Information Center for Human Rights, B’Tselem, which has been highly critical of Israel’s appalling human rights abuses paralleling White South Africa in its comprehensive reports entitled “Land Grab” and “Forbidden Road.”

Monday, January 29, 2007

Western Complicity in Iraq 1-29-2007

29, January 2007 Western Complicity in Iraq

A startling new book authored by Barry Lando, a former 60 Minutes producer, sheds new light on the complicity of Western nations arming Saddam Hussein when he was committing atrocities on his own people. The book, “Web of Deceit, The History of Western Complicity in Iraq, From Churchill to Kennedy to George W. Bush", traces the historical record of this shameful period in our history.  

Lando reveals that in the late 1980s Hussein was launching his genocidal attacks on his own people with chemical and other weapons supplied by US arms merchants with the full knowledge and approval of the Reagan and Bush (senior) administrations.  Efforts by the U.S. Congress to condemn Saddam Hussein were blocked by the White House. Senators from the farm states (including Senator Dole) rushed to meet Hussein to assure him that the U.S. was largely unconcerned about the genocidal attacks so long as Iraq continued to import U.S. agricultural products. Attempts by Iran to initiate UN intervention and investigations on the use of chemical weapons by Iraq were consistently blocked by the U.S. and United Kingdom. U.S. and other western arms merchants raked in billions of dollars in weapons sales to both Iran and Iraq during their 8 year war.

The rush to hang Saddam Hussein may well have been prompted by a desire to silence him before the unsavory facts connecting him to western leaders was made public. 

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bush’s Private Army 1-27-2007

27, January 2007 Bush’s Private Army

Largely ignored in the ongoing debate of planned troop escalation is the role of US private security firms such as Blackwater. Since its founding in 1996, Blackwater has become the world’s most powerful mercenary army and its highly secretive activities are completely hidden from our lawmakers and the US public. No details are provided on their casualties. Its executives have close ties with the Bush administration and share the same fanatical religious and political ideologies. 

It’s founder, Erik Prince is a major financial supporter of the Republican Party and has been granted lucrative contracts for his loyalty. This is another disturbing example of how the tentacles of the ‘military industry complex’ have penetrated deeply into our government further eroding our democracy and contributing significantly to our national debt. According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), a staggering 48,000 ‘hired guns’ are now part of Bush’s private army in Iraq operating under the radar of public scrutiny. With army recruitment in severe decline, the Pentagon is aggressively augmenting its private armies. What is extremely disturbing is the lack of oversight of these mercenaries who do not have to adhere to any rules of engagement. There has been extremely disturbing reports of gross human violations by these ‘hired guns’. There have been further reports that Erik Prince, as board member of Christian Freedom International, is now directing his evangelical zeal in Sudan. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Iraqi Oil 1-24-2007

24, January 2007 Iraqi Oil
In breaking news, the London (UK) Independent has published details of a new law – the ‘Hydrocarbons Law’, drafted to ensure the ‘sale’ of Iraqi oil on terms extremely favorable terms to US & UK multinational oil companies. Greg Muttitt, of Platform, a human rights and environmental group that monitors the oil industry, was highly critical of the tight provisions in the new law which would effectively weaken Iraq’s possession of its precious resources for the next 30 years. The law was drafted by BearingPoint, an American consulting firm which has been granted highly lucrative contracts in Iraq. News of the leaked document has been condemned throughout the world as an unprecedented giveaway and exposes unequivocally the real purpose of our misadventure in Iraq.  

This new law, which the weak Iraq government was made to accept under duress, will only heighten tensions and intensify the anger towards the US and its illegal occupation. 
More US soldiers will be placed in harm’s way due to the unrelenting greed of multinational oil companies and other war profiteers aided and abetted by our morally bankrupt government. The only way to stop this madness is for the silent American public to break its silence. Our lawmakers need to hear are angry voices. 

Monday, January 22, 2007

Isreal 1-22-2007

22, January 2007 Isreal
It is the height of hypocrisy for the US and European powers to express outrage over the factional fighting between Hamas and Fatah when they have been instrumental in exacerbating tensions.  The US has shipped large supplies of weapons, via Egypt, to Fatah to be used against Hamas. This is another sad episode in our misguided foreign policy wherein we undermine the will of the Palestinians to elect their own government. Israel continues its theft of tax Palestinian Authority (PA) tax money causing wide spread unemployment.  Ironically, Abbas, now the favored PA president was vilified by Israel and the US prior to Hamas’s rise to power. Thus, the old ‘divide and rule’ strategy is once more being used to heap more misery on the hapless Palestinian. It is truly outrageous that we continue to borrow funds with accruing interest payments to support the colonial designs of Israel – another shocking example of the ’tail wagging the dog’ in driving our foreign policy. This will continue until the US public raises its collective voice in opposition to Israel’s apartheid policies. 

Somalia 1-22-2007

22, January 2007           Somalia
Dear Editor,
Compounding the Iraq war debacle, the Bush Administration is off and running, squandering more lives and US tax money on ill-fated adventures in Somalia. During the cold war all military action was justified in containing the dreaded ‘red menace’. Currently, all military action is justified in neutralizing the Al-Qaeda menace even where none exists. In a ‘copy cat’ version of our Iraq war, Ethiopian troops attacked a sovereign state - Somalia – with US supplied weapons and air support – in complete violation of international law. 

There have been disturbing reports that US Special Forces were heavily engaged in the operations. Five US warships, including the giant USS Eisenhower, are moored off the coastal waters of Somalia. Scores of innocent civilians have been killed by AC-130 Lockheed gunships  -  monstrous machines capable of firing thousands of rounds a minute.
This action will undoubtedly radicalize Islam and intensify anger towards the US. The US backed former war lords have now displaced the democratically elected government of Somalia. Thus, this fait accompli has ‘liberated’ the people of Somalia. A former US marine (Hussein Aided) has now been ensconced as the “deputy prime minister”! All who resist this illegal invasion have been dubbed “insurgents”. This is yet another example of ‘how to make enemies and lose friends’, for which the Bush Administration is the undisputed master. 

Friday, January 19, 2007

Torture 1-19-2007

19, January 2007 Torture
It is encouraging to learn that Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy and other members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are holding Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, ‘feet to the fire’, to demand accountability for the Bush administration’s unlawful torture policy. It is a travesty that Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen, has still not received an apology from our government. Arar was seized by US officials in New York in 2002 and dispatched to Syria where he was held for more than a year and brutally tortured. Eventually, he was released and allowed to return to his native Canada.

Last year the Canadian government found Arar innocent of all charges and offered him an unconditional apology for their ill-advised collusion with US officials. Thus far, the Bush Administration has refused to offer Arar an apology and compensation for his ordeal. Predictably, Gonzales is hiding the dark deeds of this administration by bogus claims of ‘national security’. In an effort to justify its inhumane polices, the Bush Administration is now seeking to convict detainees using evidence obtained under torture. This action would make a complete mockery of our claim to be a law abiding nation. It is time Americans of all stripes demand an immediate halt to all forms of torture and CIA administered ‘black site’ dungeons. 

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Seeds of Suicide 1-13-2007

13, January 2007 Seeds of Suicide

Vandana Shiva, Director of the Research Foundation on Science, Technology, and Ecology, recipient of the highly prestigious ‘Right Livelihood Award’ (alternative to the Nobel Peace Prize) - has directed a much needed spotlight on the appalling plight of Indian farmers. Saddling with crippling debt, many have ended their lives. The relatively recent phenomenon has been caused by globalization and trade liberalization, wherein US giants such as Cargill and Monsanto have displaced Indian seed products such mustard oil, sesame, linseed and coconut oils in favor of imported unregulated, untested Soya seeds. The high cost of these imported seeds, require high cost fertilizers, and have been genetically engineered (GE) to be non-renewable forcing farmers to renew their seeds annually. The cotton seeds are especially expensive to cultivate and is where large scale suicides have occurred. 

A case against Monsanto’s monopolistic practices is now pending before the Indian Supreme Court. Coupled with the high cost of GE cotton seeds is the huge $4 billion subsidies given to US agribusiness which artificially depresses world-wide cotton prices by more than 50%. Shiva’s has reported the growing number of suicides in an annual report, entitled “Seeds of Suicide.” Vidarbha in Maharashtra, is now experiencing eight suicides per day. 2, 800 widows of Punjabi farmer suicides have lost their land and forced to work as landless workers.  Monsanto has now captured 70% of the Indian market In order to maintain its high production, Monsanto has destroyed part of the rain forests of Borneo and the Amazon. Tragically, the WTO has turned out to be a boon for US agribusinesses and ‘bust’ for Indian farmers. Furthermore, Soya has caused serious health problems and its use should, therefore, be tightly controlled or banned outright. The government should offer the beleaguered Indian farmers support prices to protect them from price crop fluctuations and aggressively promote organic farming. Finally, India needs to return to cultivating its own seed production to protect it from the clutches of US agribusinesses. 

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Impeach Bush & Cheney 1-7-2007

7, January 2007                           Impeach Bush & Cheney

Dear Sir,

Remember those good old days, before BBC (before Bush/Cheney) when we could hold our heads high and pass through airports without disrobing? After two stolen elections, 9/11, disastrous conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, illegal snooping of our telephone conversations and email, trashing the protections offered by the Geneva Conventions, mimicking Saddam Hussein’s torture of detainees, Katrina fiascos, enriching the rich through tax cuts, can we really afford two more years of the Bush monarchy?  It is time to demand accountability from President Bush and members of his autocratic administration. In a recent article in the Democratic Strategist, Jonathan Weiler and Marc Hetherington observed that "authoritarian personalities" are characterized by "a general moral, political and social intolerance, an aversion to ambiguity and a related desire for clear and unambiguous authority." 

Thus, complex issues are ignored and Americans are given rigid reductionist choices, “are you with us against us, . . ?”  It is understandable that newly elected speaker Nancy Pelosi is reluctant to impeach Bush for his crimes but it is imperative for the American people to hold the newly elected democrats ‘feet to the fire’ until they respond to public sentiments. Representative democracy means reflecting the will of the majority of the people – not business as usual, a view eloquently expressed by Ralph Nadar. It is scandalous that so many Americans in the richest nation in the world continue to live in abject poverty and devoid of rudimentary health care. As the democrats take office let us bid farewell to the K Street lobbyists and their corporate masters who have corrupted and poisoned our political system. In a desperate attempt to save his failed presidency, Bush is likely to thumb his nose at the democrats and the Iraq Study Group by committing additional troops to the killing fields of Iraq. If this comes to pass, I urge Indo-Americans of every stripe to contact their elected representatives to express the strong opposition. We do not have a right to remain silent in such important issues that affect all our lives. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Nuclear Hazards in India 1-3-2007

3, January 2007 Nuclear Hazards in India

Largely ignored in the ongoing debate of India’s emergence as a nuclear energy and nuclear weapons nation is the accompanying human cost. The only source for uranium, the raw ingredient for nuclear energy production, is Jadugoda, a small tribal village in a mineral-rich Jharkband (formerly Bihar). The health of the indigenous people of that area has been devastated and the environment destroyed by ongoing mining operations. In an effort to resist the unwelcome intrusion of the uranium mine operators into their lives, the villagers have collectively organized themselves into JOAR,  - Jharkhandi Organization Against Radiation. JOAR’s goals are to demand better safety measures against radiation exposure, protection of their environment and opposition to open-cast uranium mines. 
The organizers have made a low budget ground-breaking documentary, called “Buddha Weeps in Jadugoda", which shows the grotesque health hazards of  uranium mining .The documentary was recently shown at Stanford University and many of the scenes shown invoked strong responses of outrage. Grassroots activists Ghanshyam Birulee and Dumku Murma, from JOAR, and Shriprakash, the filmmaker were present at the screening to furnish additional details. The film depicted the casual attention applied to the transportation of the refined uranium ore or yellow cake, in leaky barrels which was spewing large amounts of lethal radiation. We Indo-Americans have become so enamored and excited at finally gaining admission to the exclusive nuclear club that the attendant health hazards and environmental devastation are all but ignored. This does not bode well for India’s future.  

For more information, readers may visit

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Media independence threatened 1-2-2007

2, January 2007 Media independence threatened      

Efforts by the Pentagon to force journalists to testify against anti-war ‘refusniks’ poses a major threat to freedom of speech, the hallmark of a free democratic society. Independent journalists, Sarah Olson and Dahr Jamail have both been approached by the military to testify against first lieutenant Ehren Watada. Journalists ‘Hippocratic Oath’ is to report the news not to serve as fifth columnists for the military. 

Ehren Watada is the first commissioned officer to face being court-martialed for his refusal to deploy to the killing fields of Iraq. Watada displayed enormous courage in his public statements outlining his reasons for refusing to go to Iraq. It is unconscionable that the military should recruit journalists in its immoral crusade to silence anti-war military personnel.  If found guilty, Watada faces six years in prison of which four years would be directly attributable to his statements made to the media. His courageous actions epitomizes the very best qualities of a true American – a willingness to face punishment and censure to advance the cause of peace and justice and a total commitment to expose the bankrupt polices of this anti-Christ, Godless administration.