Friday, July 25, 2003

Iraq War 7-25-2003

25, July 2003                        Response to local letter RE: Iraq War
Sunil Adam's 'Analysis/Opinion (l-West 25, July) castigates India for its failure to respond affirmatively to Washington's request to dispatch a 'peacekeeping contingent' to Iraq. He accuses New Delhi of being myopic by not seizing the opportunity to become 'center stage' with the great superpower. It is a pity that Mr. Adam ignores the moral righteous of the pre-emptive attack on Iraq. There is little doubt that the US attack on Iraq was launched on bogus statements manufactured by the propaganda wing of the White House. The pre-emptive attack violated the UN Charter, international  and universal standards of morality. This is borne out by the worldwide condemnation of the U.S. attack by mainstream religious denominations and spiritual leaders.
Bush's plans for world domination is based on the fantasy of right wing and neo-conservative and corporate thieves, that military power is the sole arbiter in world politics. The New World Order conceived by the Bushies would be similar to the Old World of 19th Century colonialism -'send a gun boat to silence the restless natives!'.
74 billion dollars of our tax money has been squandered. Contrary to earlier rosy predictions, it is now costing 1 billion dollars a week to maintain US occupation forces in Iraq. US troops are in "shooting gallery" as Ted Kennedy stated. Does Mr. Adam believe that offering our jawans to become part of this shooting gallery is worth the sacrifice? Are we Indians so desperate to grovel and seek approval from Washington?
No, Mr. Adam! The US has got itself in a pickle. Its web of deceit is unraveling and our troops are now trapped in the mother of all quagmires! The US must swallow its national pride, go before the UN, apologize for its dismissive insulting behavior, mend fences with our former European allies, the French, Germans and the Russians and seek their help. Failure to do so will result in more loss of lives and intensify the anger both at home and abroad.

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