Sunday, March 7, 2004

Senator Feinstein re: Aristide of Haiti 3-7-2004

                                                      7,March 2004                               Senator Feinstein re: Aristide of Haiti        
I am profoundly concerned by the proliferation of arms, which has contributed to devastating atrocities around the world. Often these arms flow to countries and armed groups who use them for torture, repression, and crimes against humanity. It is estimated that arms kill approximately 1,300 people daily across the globe - total of half a million per year or almost one life per minute. Sadly, our government is contributing to this human carnage. Its arms exports far exceeds that of other countries. For example, large shipments of M16's and M60's were sent to thugs and criminals in the Dominican Republic who used them, at the behest of the CIA, to overthrow Aristide. It is unconscionable that our tax dollars are being used to destabilize democratically elected governments. Coupled with a trade embargo and $500 million in desperately needed funds withheld by our administration, the fate of Haiti was sealed.
The Democratically elected Republic of the Congo (DRC) is yet another example of US arms sales that have caused misery and devastation on human rights. Over 3 million have died in the DRC since 1998. Abuses include mass killings, the widespread use of torture, the use of landmines, and killings. From 1998 to 2001, the five permanent members of the United States Security Council, the US, UK, France, Russia and China are responsible for a staggering 82% of conventional arms sales. This is an outrage. To exact profits from impoverished nations is a crime against humanity. We are guilty of complicity in the crimes committed by these illicit arms sales. Other countries, most notably Belgium, Israel and Spain have also shipped arms to the DRC.
The US Senate has an obligation to halt the illicit trade. I urge you to table a motion to demand that the Bush Administration takes immediate steps to halt the export of weapons which is contributing to the horror and human suffering in many parts of the world.
Finally, I ask that you ask for an immediate enquiry into circumstances leading to the ouster of Aristide and hold the Bush Administration, accountable for subverting democracy in Haiti and causing death and destruction in a nation already reeling from 100 years of misguided US foreign policy.

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