Sunday, May 22, 2005

Friedman's op-ed 5-22-2005

22, May 2005             Sent to NYT in response to Friedman's op-ed piece:

Thomas Friedman's op-ed piece (18, May) offers a qualified condemnation of U.S. interrogators for desecration of the Koran but reserves most of his column castigating Muslim nations for their silence in the mayhem caused by suicide bombers. In the interest of fairness and balance, Friedman and other writers must share the blame for their failure to challenge the US Administration in the events leading up to the disastrous and immoral war in Iraq and their deafening silence of the inhumane treatment of the Palestinians. The seething rage of people whose country has occupied, its people killed, wounded and tortured, and its resources stolen, has produced a predictable response. Nothing will change until media pundits like Friedman and others inoculate themselves with mega doses of a truth serum and cease serving as apologists for the US government.

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