11 June, 2005 Sale of F16’s to Pakistan
I am pleased to make an exception to my
usual diatribe against Indian politicians. Jaswant Singh deserves
credit for his harsh criticism of the U.S. decision to supply arms to Pakistan,
a country that can hardly lay claim to being a
pillar of democracy and freedom. What is surprising is the deafening silence of
the vast population of Indo- Americans in opposing the planned sale to Pakistan
of F-16 fighter jets capable of delivering nuclear war heads. How many of your
readers are more interested in the obscene profits of Halliburton, Bechtel and
Lockheed Martin than creating a world order based on peace and justice? Surely,
the message of our religious masters is to revere and protect all of his people
- especially the voiceless and powerless. The grand duchess of the imperial
empire, Condi Rice clarified the core of American foreign policy in stark terms
-"to promote American interests (code language for corporate
The timing of such a sale could not have
come at a worse time. Just as India and Pakistan are tip toeing
to a period of rapprochement and lowering tensions, the decision is certain to
escalate tensions and reignite the arms race. Consider the facts: the U.S.
invades Iraq, a country that didn't possess WMD's and had no alliance to Al Qaeda
and rewards Pakistan, after Islamabad admitted that
Pakistani nuclear weapons trafficker Abdul Wader Khan — the father of his
nation's nuclear bomb — provided Iran and Libya with the centrifuges essential
to such a program. This make a mockery of U.S. claims that it opposes nuclear
proliferation. Now, Lockheed Martin has been saved from certain closure of its
F-16 production line by the White House decision to lift the arms embargo on
Pakistan. The decision, overrides a 1990 embargo put in
place by Bush senior, to punish Pakistan's development of a nuclear arsenal.
This decision seems particularly hypocritical at a time
when the U.S. scolded European nations for considering lifting
their arms embargo on China. Such is the morality of nations driven by
corporate profits rather than the sanctity of human life.
The misdeeds of this administration has had
a predictable impact on Bush's approval rating. In the latest AP-Imposes poll
Bush's approval rating plummeted to a low 43%.
The noose seems to be tightening. We don't need a 'deep
throat' to provide a 'smoking gun' to expose the pre-meditative
illegal war on Iraq. The recently published Downing Street memo offers
conclusive proof that this administration 'cooked'
the evidence to justify this anti-Christ crusade against Iraq.
I urge concerned readers to contact their senators and demand a full
investigation into high crimes and misdemeanors committed by this
administration. Finally, I urge Indo-American Republicans to
burn your 'draft cards'. The choice is simple. Either you are with God or
against him!
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