Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Gaza Evacuation 8-17-2005

17, August 2005                                 Gaza Evacuation
We Americans must share the blame for the fiasco masquerading as US Middle East policy. We have funded Israel's occupation, colonization of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem and must therefore share the responsibility of aiding and abetting the enormous repression and suffering of the Palestinians. American Jews and the former settlers of Gaza should vent their anger and outrage against the Israeli government and Ariel Sharon, the undisputed architect of these illegal settlements. Since the inception of Israel in 1948, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced from their land and thousands of acres expropriated for the exclusive use of Israel's Jewish citizens.
Israeli historians, Israeli Human rights organizations and leading Israeli journalist, Amira Mass, have been highly critical of Israel's apartheid policy of ethnic cleansing. Consider one example of such a disparity. A majority of the Jewish settlers have accepted a compensation package - between $150,000 to $400,000 - from the Israeli government in return for leaving Gaza. In addition, they are reimbursed removal expenses and receive 2 years free rent! By contrast the thousands of Palestinians working for the settlers will receive nothing. Israel is seeking an additional $2 billion dollars in more aid to help defray operating costs to vacate the Gaza Strip which was seized illegally! While much of the world focuses on the evacuation of the Gaza Strip, Israel continues to build more settlements in the West Bank and is expropriating more Palestinian land to construct the apartheid wall. Such actions tarnish the image of the Jewish faith which is supposedly  based on truth, peace and justice for all.

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