Saturday, November 26, 2005

Jose Padilla 11-26-2005

26, November                                    Jose Padilla               

Once again the Bush cabal has demonstrated its complete contempt for the law and the basic right of due process, driving another stake into our cherished freedoms.
Jose Padilla a U.S. citizen has been charged as a trained terrorist and accused of making a ‘dirty bomb’ after returning from a visit to Pakistan. He has been incarcerated in a Navy brig for three long years without access to his family or lawyer. These charges have been suddenly dropped, and new, unsubstantiated charges have been filed. Attorney General Gonzales refused to discuss the earlier allegations in the indictment.
This latest maneuver is an obvious attempt by the administration to avoid a showdown with the Supreme Court. Retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor clarified the law in stark terms, “A state of war is not a blank check for the president when it comes to the rights of the nation’s citizens.”

Law professor Eric Freedman said the Padilla indictment was an effort by the administration “to avoid an adverse decision of the Supreme Court.”

Jerry Martinez, a Stanford Law professor expressed a similar opinion. The government case is extremely weak and is based in double or triple hearsay evidence. 

As a US citizen Jose Padilla is entitled to his day in court, and the charges should remain as before. Failure to make a strong stand will create an extremely bad precedent for all Americans by granting unfettered powers to the president, in complete violation of the Constitution. 

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