Monday, June 5, 2006

Geneva Convention Ignored 6-5-2006

5, June 2006 Geneva Convention Ignored 

It is outrageous that at a time of world-wide criticism of our brutal treatment of prisoners, a key clause in the Geneva Convention which explicitly bans "humiliating and degrading treatment”, has been omitted from the Pentagon’s new detainee policy guidelines. The Pentagon is planning to issue a new Army Field Manual on interrogation techniques which will grant interrogators impunity if they violate the basic code of ethics included in the Geneva Convention.  This flies in the face of the anti-torture measure Senator John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) submitted to Congress last year.  "The rest of the world is completely convinced that we are busy torturing people," said Oona A. Hathaway, an expert in international law at Yale Law School. This will intensify the anger towards the U.S. and convince much of the world that we have degenerated into a lawless rogue state.

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