Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Response to Sheree Roth RE: Israel 11-14-2006

14, November 2006         Response to Sheree Roth RE: Israel, Daily Nov. 14  

It is a pity Sheree Roth (Daily Nov 14), continues her diatribe against Hamas but deftly, tip toes around the egregious actions of the Israeli war machine (aided and abetted with our tax dollars). I wonder how Roth would react if she received a knock on her front door at 5 am demanding she vacate her home because an occupying power had earmarked her home for demolition. Replicating, Israel’s form of colonial domination, 20 minutes later, Roth’s home, contents and any remaining occupants would be crushed by a (US made Caterpillar) bulldozer.

There would, of course, be no compensation for such violations of international law and moral decency! How would Roth react if she had a medical emergency but was denied permission to travel by soldiers at military checkpoints? How would Roth react if her sole source of livelihood, olive and orange groves were razed to the ground to provide an occupying power with land for illegal settlements? How would Roth feel if her water supply was cut off and her children were severely malnourished by crippling economic sanctions and theft of tax dues withheld by an occupying power? If Roth resisted such actions, in the current rules of engagement which is the reality of the Middle East conflict, she would be branded a terrorist for denying the right of the occupying master power to impose its will unconditionally on its disenfranchised slave occupants. 

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