Sunday, January 7, 2007

Impeach Bush & Cheney 1-7-2007

7, January 2007                           Impeach Bush & Cheney

Dear Sir,

Remember those good old days, before BBC (before Bush/Cheney) when we could hold our heads high and pass through airports without disrobing? After two stolen elections, 9/11, disastrous conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, illegal snooping of our telephone conversations and email, trashing the protections offered by the Geneva Conventions, mimicking Saddam Hussein’s torture of detainees, Katrina fiascos, enriching the rich through tax cuts, can we really afford two more years of the Bush monarchy?  It is time to demand accountability from President Bush and members of his autocratic administration. In a recent article in the Democratic Strategist, Jonathan Weiler and Marc Hetherington observed that "authoritarian personalities" are characterized by "a general moral, political and social intolerance, an aversion to ambiguity and a related desire for clear and unambiguous authority." 

Thus, complex issues are ignored and Americans are given rigid reductionist choices, “are you with us against us, . . ?”  It is understandable that newly elected speaker Nancy Pelosi is reluctant to impeach Bush for his crimes but it is imperative for the American people to hold the newly elected democrats ‘feet to the fire’ until they respond to public sentiments. Representative democracy means reflecting the will of the majority of the people – not business as usual, a view eloquently expressed by Ralph Nadar. It is scandalous that so many Americans in the richest nation in the world continue to live in abject poverty and devoid of rudimentary health care. As the democrats take office let us bid farewell to the K Street lobbyists and their corporate masters who have corrupted and poisoned our political system. In a desperate attempt to save his failed presidency, Bush is likely to thumb his nose at the democrats and the Iraq Study Group by committing additional troops to the killing fields of Iraq. If this comes to pass, I urge Indo-Americans of every stripe to contact their elected representatives to express the strong opposition. We do not have a right to remain silent in such important issues that affect all our lives. 

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