Monday, April 30, 2007

George Tenet 4-30-2007

30, April 2007 George Tenet
George Tenet appearance on “60 Minutes” to promote his book, “At the Center of the Storm”, was a disingenuous effort to prop up his burnished image. It would have been far better for Tenet to have resigned with honor than to have been used as a ‘disposable diaper’ by the Bush Administration. Tenet was an eager and willing participant in the massive effort to deceive the American people with bogus claims of Iraq’s WMD’s and as such must share responsibility for the Iraq debacle with his former duplicitous bosses, Vice-President Cheney and President Bush. 

He ignored solid CIA Intelligence reports in September 2002, which rejected the presence of WMD’s, and replaced them with a fraudulent  National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) to please his bosses. Tenet further buttressed the case for war by falsely testifying an Al Qaeda link before Congress in February 2003. He allowed CIA analysts to be bullied and intimidated by Vice-President Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and then added the CIA stamp of approval to Colin Powell’s speech at the United Nations savaging CIA’s honor and credibility. It would be a befitting gesture of remorse if George Tenet returned the Medal of Freedom which was given to buy his silence and donated the royalties from his book to U.S. soldiers and their families who have paid the ultimate price for his lack of courage and leadership.

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