Tuesday, May 22, 2007

ISRAEL Academics Speak out 5-22-2007

22, May 2007 ISRAEL Academics Speak out

It is encouraging that more and more high profile politicians, such as President Jimmy Carter, and renowned scholar, Dr. Paul Finkelstein are voicing their concerns over the appalling plight of the Palestinians. Earlier this month, at Stanford University, Dr. Uri Davis, a dual citizen of the State of Israel and the UK, described Israel’s unrelenting efforts to dispossess Palestinians of their land and resources. The overall strategy is to make life so unbearable that Palestinians will choose to leave or rebel. Rebellions will then be countered with brute force until all the land will become part of a larger Jewish state. 

Davis, was an early critic of Israel and became the first academic to use the term apartheid to describe Israel's conduct toward Palestinians in his 1987 book 'Israel: An Apartheid State'. The London Economist further exposed Israel’s apartheid policies in its May 10 issue, describing the systematic effort to revoke citizenship to Palestinians living in Jerusalem – a staggering 1,363 lost their right to live in the city - a six-fold increase from the prior year. The Economist reported “a systematic under-funding of municipal services in the east drove many Palestinians to live in nearby Ramallah or Bethlehem, in the West Bank.” Arbitrary denial of “permanent resident” status will reduce the hapless Palestinians to poverty and utter despair. Thus, the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous inhabitants continues not unlike the native American Indians in our own country. 

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