Friday, November 30, 2007

Bush and his war machine 11-30-2007

30, November 2007 Bush and his war machine

It is hard to imagine that the neo-cons of the Bush Administration have completely failed to comprehend the gravity of their ill-conceived Iraq adventure. These pro-life crusaders have unleashed a reign of terror on the Iraqis resulting in over 1 million civilian casualties and created the largest refugee problem in the world with 3 million fleeing to neighboring Syria and Jordan. Over 3 million Iraqis are internally displaced refugees.  
American body bags continue to arrive at Andrews Air Force Base completely hidden from the American public and the media have largely abandoned their role as independent watchdogs. Veteran hospitals are stretched to the limit trying to cope with the broken bodies of US soldiers returning home facing a grim future of a government that has shown callous disregard for their pain and suffering.
The scripted propaganda speeches which launched our nation into a disastrous occupation in Iraq are now being used to launch aerial bombing attack on neighboring Iran. Buoyed by his ‘successful war in Iraq’, the Bush war machine has asked the Pentagon to draw plans for an attack on Iran. Bereft of ground troops, a massive aerial attack is planned to rein death and terror on the Iranian people. According to investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh’s, latest article in the New Yorker magazine, the war rational has shifted from WMD’s (largely rejected by an increasingly skeptical public) to Iran’s alleged role in Iraq. Thus, the WMD threat has been repackaged as a counterterrorism threat. On the domestic front, President Bush continues his crusade against the most vulnerable population, young poor children, by denying them of much needed health care. On global issues Bush and his supporters continue to ignore the dire warnings of catastrophic climate changes. A group of eminent British scientists are warning that global warning will result in the extinction in of half of the earth’s species in the few centuries. I urge readers to break their long silence and demand accountability from our misguided leaders. We must insist that the U.S. charter a new course based on truth, peace and justice and not on militarism.  

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