Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Response to NYT OP ED RE: Israel 1-6-2015

January 6, 2015                    Response to NYT OP ED RE: Israel

Paradoxically, the US and Israel have done a great service to the Palestinians by blocking a poorly worded resolution before the UN. The resolution had no support from the various Palestinian factions because it undercut and undermined very fundamental Palestinian rights. US efforts have failed to bring about a peaceful settlement to the conflict because of its bias and assurance that ‘we will love Israel for ever’ and continue to fund its killing machine regardless of its bad behavior. Israel is rapidly losing its legimatcy and becoming a pariah state. Tragically, the US has a diminished role and perceived to be the big bully grossly misusing its veto power and arm twisting tactics to pressure other nations to conform to its wishes. 

How long are we going to tolerate Israel’s bad behavior? Biting the hand that feeds them billions of dollars in military and economic aid, Jewish settlers attacked American consular officials who were investigating the destruction of Palestinian olive trees. It is outrageous that we continue to divert critical resources from the American public to support the Israeli military machine which violates every norm of human decency and paradoxically the basic principles of Judaism. Abandoned by much of the world, the Palestinians should vigorously remedy decades of injustice by taking their case to the International Court at The Hague and intensifying the BDS movement.

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