Saturday, July 18, 2015

IRAN 7-18-2015

18, July 2015                           IRAN

It is profoundly disappointing that radio and television media continue to provide excessive air time to Prime Minister Netanyahu. In a recent interview, he offered no specifics but was desperately trying to sway US lawmakers to oppose the historic nuclear deal with Iran. Why were representatives of the P5 + 1 not given equal time to refute Netanyahu’s false assertions?

Targeting Iran for bad behavior reeks of hypocrisy. The US and the Brits have meddled in Middle East affairs for decades, beginning with the covert overthrow of the pro-democracy government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953. We ensconced the Shah of Iran and sold him billions of military weapons which he used to oppress his people which radicalized many Iranians and created decades of resentment.

We supplied Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons and logical intelligence in Iraq’s war with Iran. Our ‘shock and awe’ unprovoked attack on Iraq destabilized the whole region and gave birth to ISIS.
Israel’s belligerence, including frequently attacking its Arab neighbors and brutally repressing the Palestinians, has roiled the region for almost 70 years. Not to mention that Israel is a rogue nuclear state that has been hiding a sophisticated atomic-bomb arsenal.

Finally, Saudi Arabia has been investing its oil wealth to advance its Wahhabi sect of Sunni Islam, which has inspired terrorist groups throughout much of the world. The Saudis have participated directly and indirectly in regional wars including crushing the pro-democracy movement in Bahrain and the current bombardment of Yemen, killing hundreds of civilians.

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