Friday, November 6, 2015

Lord of the Rings Speaks Out 11-6-2015

6, November 2015                Lord of the Rings Speaks Out

Viggo Mortensen, best known for his portrayal of the warrior-king Aragorn in the blockbuster "Lord of the Rings"(LOR) trilogy, spoke out against police brutality and American Empire. He is a fierce advocate of progressive causes and social justice. His memorial line in LOR "Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace" is certainly relevant in today’s troubled world.

His book, Twilight of Empire: Responses to Occupation, was published at the height of the ill-fated invasion of Iraq which most pundits agree was the biggest foreign policy blunder in American history. Mortensen paid homage to former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who was the only person in the House who voted against the invasion of Iraq.

In a recent interview he recalled the first line of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ –, "O say can you see," reflecting that so few challenged the actions of our government who goad us into so many conflicts using the Clinton doctrine that ‘America reserves the right to invade any  country in the world if our vital interests are threatened  - undeterred that such pompous arrogance is a complete violation of international law. I dare say many of those incarcerated on relatively minor charges would hardly experience much pride in the last two lines , "Land of the free and home of the brave." Mortenson was highly critical of police abuses, especially of black people and Obama’s drone attacks which has resulted in over 90% civilian deaths.

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