Sunday, December 6, 2015

Gun Violence 12-6-2015

6, December                                     Gun Violence
In the wake of yet another mass shooting, many Americans are asking, what will it take for Congress to restrict access to guns? This I believe is a futile hope. Most members of Congress follow the 11the commandment –look after thyself; avoid taking any action which might hinder their re-election prospects. 

I believe the only radical action that needs to be taken is to go to the source of all the controversy –the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which reads: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" – which begs the question, do we really need militias in 2015 to resist the actions of a tyrannical government? The answer surely is a resounding NO! Thus, the Second Amendment is on very shaky moral and ethical grounds. What is needed is a massive grass roots effort to challenge the validly of the Second Amendment. The U.S. Constitution was crafted in 1787 to reflect the prevailing frontier conditions at the birth of our nation when people had a strong need to protect their families and livestock and prior to the establishment of a reliable constabulary. We have well-established law enforcement agencies so there is no need for militias!  To encourage the formation of militias would be foolhardy and irresponsible and would invite anarchy and chaos. The proliferation of guns is based on an unhealthy obsession with firearms and fear. Do we really need to kill God’s creatures with AK47 assault rifles or guns for pleasure? Where is the outrage from the Bible Belt that professes to echo the great teachings of the Bible? In the interim, the citizens of this country must break their long silence and demand change. Expose all lawmakers who accept donations (bribes) from the NRA and ensure their defeat. Tar and feather (virtually) the miscreants in Congress and make their life so uncomfortable that they will be forced to free themselves from the clutches of the NRA. It is unconscionable to allow gun manufacturers and the NRA to profit from the mayhem occurring in our inner cities.  Fellow citizens break your silence and let your voices be heard. The time to act is NOW!

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