Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Clinton’s woes 5-31-2016

31, May 2016                             Clinton’s woes  

Republicans are now digging into Clinton’s past when she served as first lady. They claim that she was behind the firing of seven people in the White House travel office in 1993. In 1994 the Clintons’ made a tidy sum from the smelly Whitewater Land Deal. Multiple issues continue to dog her campaign. For example, Goldman Sachs paid Clinton $675,000 in 2013 for three speeches. Bill Clinton made more than $1.5 million in paid speaking fees. Goldman Sachs has given $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton campaign is now being asked to reveal fund transfers between Goldman executives and the various Clinton accounts. To add to Clinton’s woes, new questions are being raised about ties between Goldman Sachs and Clinton’s son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky. Mezvinsky worked for Goldman Sachs for eight years before quitting to form a hedge fund with help from Goldman CEO, Lloyd Blankfein who invested an undisclosed amount in the new fund, Eaglevale Partners (EP). The fund turned out to be a major disaster losing 90% of its investors’ money betting on the Greek economy. Clinton’s email server is just the latest in a long saga; the FBI ruled that her emails violated the Federal Records Act by not turning over official emails before she left office. What is even more disturbing is the haughty, autocratic manner in which she admonished two IT staffers who tried to warn her of their concerns and were told “never bring up the issue again”.

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