Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Trump Clinton Debate 9-27-2016

27, September 2016            The Trump Clinton Debate

The debate did not really change perceptions, what was unthinkable continues to be highly improbable. Barring another swooning attack or more WikiLeaks revelations, Clinton seems to be winning the race to the Whitehouse. At last nights’ debate, Trump was clearly thrown off his comfort zone, away from his adoring fans. The proverbial school yard bully was biffed by a superior debater. Trump’s huffing, puffing and pouting and complaining that Clinton was running commercials using his own words needs to learn that words matter. Contrary to his denials, Trump (and Clinton) supported the invasion of Iraq and Libya which were major policy blunders.

Trump was right, Clinton did vacillate on the TPP – first lauding it as the gold standard, but sensing the winds of change and prodding by Bernie Sanders – subsequently opposed it. Trump’s claim that he has the better temperament is laughable. His support for ‘Stop & Frisk’ is blatantly racist. Clinton was right to call him out on stiffing his contractors out of money owed to them.

Trump’s talk about bringing back jobs is hypocritical given that he has profited from cheap foreign labor. Trump can claim one major victory, the longest tax audit in US history. It is doubtful that a single American, outside his core constituency believes he has nothing to hide. Clinton missed an opportunity excoriating Trump’s use of his Foundation as an ATM.Trump’s racist rants on the birther issue, challenging Obama’s American citizenship, has boomeranged badly.

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