Saturday, January 14, 2017

Trump’s press conference 1/14/2017

14, January 2017                 Trump’s press conference

Well, it finally happened! President-elect Trump held his first press conference which he used to bash the media for their fake news and inaccurate reporting. The late night comedians must be ecstatic for the material handed to them on a platter. The ‘made for movie Russian connection’ reveals salacious details of Trump’s cavorting with call girls at a Russian hotel. A former MI6 agent, Christopher Steel claims the details in his report have been corroborated from several different Russian sources.

Steel claims that Putin operatives captured the sordid episodes which could be used to blackmail the new president. This might explain Trump’s infatuation with Putin and his dismissal of US intelligence agencies insistence that Russia was the hacking source of Clinton’s emails. 

It is laughable that Trump should express such outrage when he finds himself engulfed in perhaps the most serious crime in US history. Remember, he encouraged Russia to hack into Clinton’s emails, and goaded his supporters to physically attack his opponents. As the source of the bogus ‘birther’ movement and insinuations that Obama is a Muslim, Trump is the architect of false news.

He insisted that as president he is above the law and exempt from burdensome conflict of interests laws arising from his business empire.  But then he made an audacious claim that he had reluctantly withdrawn from a $2 billion lucrative business deal with a Dubai tycoon. Readers strap on your seat belts, the next four years (maybe) will be a rough ride.

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