Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Trump’s Saudi Trip 5-23-2017

23, May 2017                          Trump’s Saudi Trip

Candidate Trump would be incensed with President Trump’s warm embrace of the Saudi monarchy. Forgotten, are his tweets calling them “cowards” and his Facebook post likening them to “slaveholders”. The “born again” Trump curtsied before King Salman, and seemed overwhelmed with the sheer opulence and grandeur of his surroundings.

He seemed totally unaware that Saudi Arabia is the epicenter of global terrorism aggressively funding Madrassas all over the world promoting an austere Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. This is the country that forbids their women to drive and compels them to cloak themselves in suffocating head to toe body coverings. This is the country where women are denigrated and lashings, decapitation of limbs, and stoning are fully condoned by the authorities. This is the birthplace of Wahhabi ideology which inspired the 9/11 hijackers and ALL other Islamic terrorist groups in the world including the Islamic State.
It is ironic that Trump was critical of Iran where they just concluded their elections. When was the last time Saudi Arabia held elections?

Trump announced the sale of $100 bn “beautiful” weapons to Saudi Arabia, the opening of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in Riyadh and the creation of a Terrorist Financing Targeting Center. Oh what irony! The epicenter of terrorism is Riyadh! These “beautiful” weapons will be used to kill innocent men, women and children in neighboring Yemen and we will be complicit in Saudi’s war crimes. The ‘made in America’ unexploded ordinances are sure to engender fierce anti-American rage.  

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