Monday, August 14, 2017

N. Korea 8-14-2017

14, August 2017                                           N. Korea

Why is the U.S. threatening war with N. Korea instead of pressing for negotiations?

The short answer is Trump’s desire to distract public attention away from the Russia investigation which has taken an ominous turn of events with the raid on Manafort’s home, the pending interrogation of Trump’s long time personal assistant, Rhona Graff, and investigation into Trump’s financial entanglements with Russia which Trump Jnr admitted were substantial.

Kim Jong-un and P. Trump are cut from the same cloth. Both will do anything to survive. N. Korea has every right to be wary of US intentions. Saddam Hussein paid the ultimate price for not possessing   WMD’s and Kaddafi gave up his nuclear arsenal and paid with his life. Bill Clinton launched missile strikes in East Africa to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Trump’s war of words, belittling Kim Jong-un, whose finger is on the nuclear button, is totally irresponsible and plays into Kim’s playbook, depicting the US as the nasty aggressor. We need a diplomatic solution to the problem not hell fire and brimstone! We have threatened military strikes and imposed tight sanctions and nothing has worked. Why don’t we try something different? Bombard North Korea with acts of unconditional kindness – drones packed with food to remote areas to feed N. Korea’s impoverished people to counter Kim’s shrill anti-American rhetoric. This would generate good will, defuse tensions, promote pro-American sentiments and may eventually topple N. Korea’s one man rule.

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