Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Iran Deal 10-18-2017

18, October 2017                  The Iran Deal

Following his failed promises to repeal and replace the ACA, revise the tax plan, build his “beautiful” wall, Trump took aim at scuttling the Iran deal.

Ignoring the statements of his cabinet, who stated that Iran was in full compliance and unable to comprehend the complexities of the deal, Trump punted its fate to Congress.

Perhaps Trump is unaware of our dark history with Iran, beginning with the overthrow of the democratically elected government in 1953 with the covert coup by the CIA and the British agency, MI6, which resulted in the theft of Iraq’s oil and the establishment of British Petroleum. The government was replaced by the US puppet, the Shah of Iran, who unleashed his secret police, the Savak, who rounded up and tortured tens of thousands of Iranians.

During the Iraq- Iran war, the CIA covertly provided massive shipments of arms including chemical weapons, to our former Iraqi ally, Saddam Hussein.

If the nuclear deal falters the US and Israel will be the losers. The US will remain isolated; there will be no appetite for further sanctions because most Western countries have already begun trading with Iran and establishing embassies. US companies will be excluded from such trading privileges. Iran will likely accelerate its nuclear bomb making capabilities and intensify their hostility towards Israel. They still recall Israel’s role in assassinating many of their nuclear scientists.  If you're a supporter of the deal, contact your congressional representative before it’s too late.

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