Saturday, April 28, 2018

Fire Scott Pruitt 4-28-2018

28, April 2018                                           Fire Scott Pruitt

Trump’s pick as EPA head, Scott Pruitt, is facing withering questions by lawmakers over his spending habits and dark ties to industry lobbyists.
In a blatant conflict of interest, Pruitt paid only $50 a night to live in a Capitol Hill condo owned by the wife of a prominent Washington energy lobbyist. He squandered $3 million on his security detail including 18 full-time agents and traveled first or business class in complete violation of spending laws. He had a $43,000 soundproof phone booth installed in his office, gave obscene raises to his staff and removed staff who were critical of his policies or extravagance. He dragged his security staff to Disneyland and the Rose Bowl and a pasta making class in Italy.
Unfortunately, his more egregious actions to protect the environment were not addressed. For example, he supported the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines, and withdrawal from the Paris climate accords. He undermined the Clean Power Plan, which would limit the amount of air and water pollution emitted from coal-fired power plants. He has supported and lobbied for gas pipelines and gas export terminals to be built. He has supported rolling back regulations that would limit the amount of methane pollution emitted from power plants and pipelines.
He is the most corrupt EPA administrator in our country’s history.

This reflects badly on his boss’ highly flawed vetting process, his supporters and Republican enablers. He is a clear and present danger to our health and well-being and should be fired.

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