Trump’s war with GOD 7-11-2018
11, July 2018 Trump’s war with GOD
milk is God’s great gift to mankind. It is the perfect cocktail to nourish
newborn babies.
why is Donald Trump trying to discourage women from breast feeding their
children in the underdeveloped world? If we follow the money trail, the answer
becomes self-evident.
United States delegates to the World Health Organization are using their
economic and military muscle to undermine a simple resolution encouraging
breast-feeding. This is another sick example of a powerful country badgering
weaker countries to serve the interests of powerful business interests. Breast
feeding is a direct threat to the baby formula industry which is worth $70
billion. Developed countries can easily
deflect the Trump administration’s bullying tactics but developed countries are
not so fortunate.
contention that women need access to formula defies both science and nutrition.
Not only is breast milk the best option for newborns it also contains
anti-bodies that protect against a host of diseases.
lot of US unethical arm twisting has contributed to an alarming decline in
breast feeding in third world countries. Ecuador came close to buckling under
intense US pressure but managed to resist. Colombia’s health officials alarmed
at high pharmaceutical prices tried to cut prices but were “persuaded” from
doing so by a host of US economic pressures.
the Obama and Clinton administrations also sought to keep drug prices high in
low-income countries to maximize profits for US drug companies.
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