Friday, November 2, 2018

Anti-Semitism & Israel 11-2-2018

2, November 2018                         Anti-Semitism & Israel

In contrast to the angry mourners shunning the arrival of President Trump at the Pittsburgh synagogue, Ron Bermer, Israel’s ambassador to the United States greeted him with open arms.

Another prominent Israeli official, Naftali Bennett, took to twitter to defend Mr. Trump and drive a wedge between the American Jewish community and Israeli hard liners.

Israel’s right-wing government has become Mr. Trump’s ardent supporter reflecting its loyalty to a president who has backed its interests but also deepened a rift with American Jews, many of whom hold Mr. Trump at least partly responsible for the rise in anti-Jewish vitriol over the last two years.

A progressive Jewish community, “Bend the Arc”, in Pittsburg denounced the president and told him he was unwelcome until he denounced white nationalism. The letter contained “84,000 signatures which excoriated the president stating, “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities.”

Bermer, used the tragedy to score political points over Israel’s growing apartheid system condemning anti-Semitism on college compasses attempting to establish a false equivalence of growing anger over Israel’s ongoing occupation and siege of Gaza. Israel has created a repugnant new caste system, much like India, where the Brahmin Israeli Jews feel they have a divine right to exploit and punish the “untouchable” Palestinians. Shane on Israel and greater shame on the U.S. for supporting their inhumane polices.

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