Monday, December 10, 2018

President ‘41 George Herbert Walker Bush 12-10-2018

10, December 2018          President ‘41 George Herbert Walker Bush

 The 41st President H.W. Bush has been lionized by the media in wall to wall coverage   espousing his professional skills and high moral character. If one compares him to the present occupant of the White House, this is certainly a true statement. He also deserved credit for standing up to the NRA and AIPAC. However, to make a better assessment of his contributions to America and the world, we need to drill deeper into his presidency.

The following is a brief history of ‘41.


In late 1989, ‘41 ordered the invasion of Panama to arrest its leader, General Noriega, on charges of drug trafficking.  This was the same man who was formerly on the CIA payroll. In a classic overkill, the U.S. unleashed 24,000 troops equipped with highly sophisticated weaponry and aircraft against a country with an army smaller than the New York City Police Department. An estimated 3,000 Panamanians died in the attack. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights called on Washington to pay massive reparations to Panama for its illegal invasion.  


During his tenure 41’ dramatically launched a war on drugs laced with overt racism.  In a carefully orchestrated media blitz, ’41 held up a bag of cocaine which he claimed was found just outside the White House, a visual prop, orchestrated by US federal agents! Mass incarceration followed disproportionately, impacting young black men.  Republicans like Rand Paul, and Chris Christie later admitted that the drug war was an utter failure.


In the brutal presidential campaign of 1988, ‘41 used an appalling racist ad. depicting his rival, Dukakis to be weak on crime and responsible for the brutal rape and murder by Willie Horton while he was furloughed from prison. Lee Atwater, a top aide to ’41, apologized on his deathbed for the racist ad. which catapulted ’41 to the White House. It was considered to be the most racist ad, in US history.


‘41was dismissive on the impact of climate change, famously saying, “The American way of life is not up for negotiation.” He nominated Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas even after Thomas was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill.


In August 2000 Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait illegally, in violation of international law. What is generally unknown is ‘41’s US ambassador to Kuwait. Glaspie told Saddam Hussein just weeks before the invasion, that America had no strong opinion on his border dispute with Kuwait. This was interpreted by Hussein as a green light for the invasion. But following the invasion, ’41 changed his mind claiming America’s intervention was necessary to defend Saudi Arabia. This proved to be totally false. Many of ’41 political detractors believed the invasion was meticulously choreographed to enhance ‘41’s reelection prospects.

To justify the invasion, the ’41 team launched a massive propaganda effort to win over hearts and minds to make them feel good about the “shock and awe” which was to follow demonstrating US military might.  The pièce de résistance. was led by General Schwarzkopf, CENTCOM, Pete Williams of the Pentagon and the Bush administration.  A staged weeping Kuwaiti, NAYIRAH AL-SABAH, appeared on all the major networks claiming that Saddam’s troops had thrown out babies from incubators. It turned out the young girl, SABAH, was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador who had been coached by the US public relations firm, Hill & Knowlton, who were working for the Kuwaiti government. The propaganda was so effective that even Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch believed the fictional tale and repeated the false story.   


In one of ’41 final act, he granted pardons to six former Reagan officials who were involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, when the Reagan administration secretly sold arms to Iran to raise money for the Nicaraguan Contras ignoring a congressional ban on providing aid to the Contras in Nicaragua. This was the most egregious scandal in US history. It is sad commentary that Reagan escaped impeachment for aiding and abetting a foreign adversary. Bush escaped liability for his role in the pardons scandal, claiming he was “out of the loop,” even though other participants and a paper trail suggested he was lying. So much for the media’s depiction of a “thoroughly decent man who believed in civility who did not believe in rancor who wanted, to unify all Americans,” RIP.

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