Tuesday, November 12, 2019

US descending into a third world country 11-12-2019

 12, November 2019            US descending into a third world country

The staggering increase in concentrated wealth in the United States has had a massive corrosive effect on our democracy by concentrating political power in the hands of the wealthy.

 According to the Congressional Budget office, between 1975 and 2005 the inflation adjusted after tax income of middle income Americans rose only 2 percent compared to a whopping 400 percent for the wealthy 0.1 percenters!

The appalling “Citizens United” ruling by the Supreme Court equating money with free speech has allowed huge amounts of money to flow into Congressional coffers corrupting the democratic process. Political power is an aaphrodisiac that few can resist. Kudos to Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for educating Americans on this stark reality of income inequality.

This dark money supports candidates who reflect the aspirations and ambitions of the donors.  This cycle will continue until the “have nots” “downstairs” Middle America rebel causing massive social unrest and possible violence. The trappings of wealth will allow plutocrats to ensure their offspring reap the same or enhanced benefits living in super-zip communities. Wealthy parents have been gaming the system donating large sums of money to prestigious colleges to ensure their children, lacking in academic skills, gain admission. “Shovel ready” infrastructure projects have been ignored in favor of tax cuts for the wealthy and funding perpetual wars creating enormous misery, nourishing our superpower obsession.

Republicans have moved in lock step with their disgusting, incoherent leader in mortal fear that he will turn his digital twitter howitzer and reduce them to whimpering puppies.

American is rapidly descending into a third world country.

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