Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Saudi’s military in the US 12-11-2019

11, December 2019                      Saudi’s military in the US

The recent Pensacola naval base shooting focuses much needed attention on our continued relationship with the Saudi kingdom.

The leaders of Saudi Arabia claim they are devastated by the deadly attack and intend to “help out” the families of those murdered.

It comes as a complete surprise to learn that we are we training their military after the Saudi prince, MBS, planned the assassination of Khashoggi and the dismemberment of his body.

Saudi Arabia has never been a true friend of the United States because of its extremist Islamic ideology.

Riyadh is a destabilizing force in the region; its repressive regime has bred terrorists and supported radical Islamic groups World-wide. It has funded $billions to religious schools which often serve as incubators for suicide bombers. Its treatment of women is appalling. If found guilty of adultery they can be stoned to death, Thieves can have their hands cut off following the dictates of Sharia Law. According to Amnesty International, security forces continue to torture and ill- treat detainees to extract confessions to be used as evidence against them at trial. Recently, 32 defendants accused of spying for Iran were subjected to torture and forced confessions.

Saudi Arabia’s royal family helped finance al Qaeda in the years just prior to the 2001 terrorist attacks.

In its report on the still-censored “28 pages” implicating the Saudi government in 9/11, “60 Minutes” reported the Saudi role in the attacks has been “soft-pedaled” to protect America’s “delicate alliance” with the oil-rich kingdom. Its enormous oil wealth has insulated it from public censure for its rampant acts of international terrorism. 

In complete violation of the Emoluments clause Trump and his family continue to do business in Saudi Araba. The Saudis helped salvage Kushner’s investment for his property, the Tower, at 666 5th Avenue with a massive infusion of cash.

Americans should be very wary of our continued relationship with Saudi Arabia still seeped in “stone age” traditions and customs. Saudi military personnel are a clear and present danger and should leave the US immediately.

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