Monday, June 29, 2020

Trump & Pence MUST RESIGN 6-29-2020


29, June 2020              Trump & Pence MUST RESIGN

In a major escalation to undermine US peace initiatives in Afghanistan, the world press has released bombshell reports that Moscow is offering bounties to Taliban fighters to kill Americans and their coalition partners.

US intelligence alerted President Trump and Vice President Pence in late March of Russian meddling in Afghanistan but much like their lack of response to the Covid pandemic, they chose to remain silent. It is appalling that the President seems to place a higher premium on maintaining his dark friendship with the wily Putin than the safety of our troops. Former National Security Adviser John Bolton blasted President Trump’s lack of response.

Every American should be outraged at Trump deafening silence.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed growing anxiety that the President has being severely compromised by Moscow. The sordid details of Putin and Trump’s alliance were first revealed by former British MI6 spy, Christopher Steel.


If our Intelligence Agencies confirm that the Trump-Pence were alerted of Russian interference and failed to take swift action the American people must DEMAND both President Trump and Vice President Pence MUST resign immediately for their appalling dereliction of duty to protect our troops.


The President is also undermining NATO and has ordered 10,000 Americans troops to leave Germany.  Trump also plans to invite Putin to a G8 meeting in Washington. Putin must be thrilled.  It is time Americans contact their elected representatives and DEMAND our Intelligence Agencies investigate the sinister PUTIN-TRUMP relationship before Taliban fighters slaughter more of our troops.



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