Saturday, August 28, 2021

CIA’s many crimes 8/28/2021


28, August 2021                            CIA’s many crimes

The CIA and America has lots of blood on its hands. There is virtually no oversight into CIA’s  clandestine activities and it enjoys an unlimited “black box” budget. It was created by Harry Truman in 1947. Their mandate was to collect information about foreign threats.  However, within months, the CIA abandoned this policy and begin target assassinations undermining and orchestrating coups to depose democratically elected governments. Two examples of its many crimes: They armed Saddam Hussein’s military during the Iran-Iraq war, allowing him to brutally crush internal opposition. Only 15 years earlier, America had supported Saddam's use of chemical weapons against the Iranians, and blocked countless UN resolutions that were intended to condemn their use.

In 1953, a CIA coup overthrew the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddegh, after he made plans to nationalize the oil industry. The CIA coordinated its activities with the British spy agency,  MI6. The British took possession of Iran’s oil and named it BP. The Shah was installed as dictator. His rule was so oppressive and violent that it precipitated the Iranian revolution in 1979. More recently the CIA funded war lords in Afghanistan creating intense hostility towards the US and precipitated its hasty exit.  Finally, there has never been an investigation into the monumental intelligence failure of non-existent Iraqi WMD’s.  

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