Friday, September 13, 2024

Israel bombs UN school 9/13/2024

                                                           Israel bombs UN school

"U.N. and Britain Denounce Israeli Attack in Gaza That Killed U.N. Workers." This tragic incident occurred at the Al-Jaouni School in Gaza.
Israel has struck the Al-Jaouni School five times since the conflict began last October. It is crucial to clarify that the repeated attacks on such sites, which serve as shelters for thousands of displaced people, have been a source of significant concern for international observers and human rights organizations. The fact that these shelters are being targeted raises serious questions about adherence to international humanitarian law.
Israel has claimed, without providing evidence, that the school compound had become a command center for militants. This lack of evidence for such claims has been a critical point of contention. U.N. officials, including Mr. Dujarric, have stated that there were no visible signs of misuse at the site, reinforcing the need for credible evidence before making such serious allegations.
Additionally, the report highlights the devastating impact of the attack, including the death of six UNRWA employees—the highest number of casualties among U.N. staff in a single incident during this conflict. This tragic loss underscores the urgency of a permanent cease-fire and the need for all parties to adhere to humanitarian principles.
It is also important to note that the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights has criticized the Israeli military's actions as a systematic failure to comply with international humanitarian law. The bombing in Nuseirat, in particular, emphasizes the severe consequences of the ongoing conflict on civilian lives and infrastructure.
The resignation of Brig. Gen. Yossi Sariel and other military officials reflects growing criticism and accountability within the Israeli military establishment. It is crucial for all parties involved to address these issues transparently and work towards a resolution that prioritizes the protection of civilians and adherence to international law.

The Price Afghan Women Pay for U.S. Arrogance 9/13/2024

                                      The Price Afghan Women Pay for U.S. Arrogance

The women of Afghanistan are paying a heavy price for the United States’ monumental arrogance. Albert Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Trillions of dollars have been spent on failed foreign missions, including Afghanistan, with appalling outcomes.
The U.S. invaded Afghanistan in 2001 following the 9/11 attacks, even though 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
In 2001, after the U.S. invasion, there were reports that elements within the Taliban were willing to negotiate an unconditional surrender or step down from power. However, the U.S. government under the Bush administration rejected these overtures, opting instead for a military solution. The goal at the time was not just to remove the Taliban from power but also to eliminate al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, whom the Taliban was harboring.
After squandering trillions of dollars and countless lives, President Trump decided to pull out, often negotiating with the Taliban. Abandoned were the people of Afghanistan, including the Afghan translators who were left at the mercy of the Taliban. The women of Afghanistan have suffered immensely ever since.
When the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan in 2021, they made promises of moderation, but they have played a deceitful game. They have incrementally stripped away the rights of women and girls to education, employment, justice, freedom of speech, and movement, criminalizing their existence outside the home. Last month, the Taliban reached a new low, introducing rules that make it illegal for a woman’s voice to be heard by male strangers in public.
Each new tightening of their misogynistic grip sparks international condemnation but no real consequences for the Taliban. They wait for the outrage to subside, further entrenching their rule without fear of repercussions or losing humanitarian aid. However, a potential new international treaty on the prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity may finally provide the world with legal and diplomatic leverage to hold the Taliban accountable. The United Nations General Assembly legal committee will meet in October to decide whether this treaty moves forward, and it includes a proposal to criminalize "gender apartheid."
It’s shocking that anyone believed the Taliban’s ridiculous promises about being more moderate or caring for women’s rights. Both Trump and Biden fell for these lies, throwing away 20 years of progress. Their dishonorable and disgraceful assumptions about a fanatical regime hell-bent on subjugating women have left Afghanistan’s women in peril. Both men should be ashamed of their roles in this betrayal, and unfortunately, Vice President Harris seems no more likely to act courageously on behalf of American interests overseas.
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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Mass killings in Gaza & the West Bank 9/12/2024

                                         Mass killings in Gaza & the West Bank

The recent Israeli airstrike on a Gaza school-turned-shelter that killed 18 people, including six U.N. workers, is a stark reminder of the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the region. As Israel continues its offensive in both Gaza and the West Bank, targeting civilian infrastructure—like schools that house displaced families—cannot be justified by claims of targeting militants.
UNRWA has confirmed that the strike was the deadliest single incident for its staff during the war, highlighting the gross disregard for human life. The targeting of schools and shelters, raises critical questions about the obligation to protect civilians, especially women and children, under international law.
Moreover, this escalation extends beyond Gaza, with Israeli airstrikes now hitting the West Bank more frequently. The ongoing deaths of civilians in these raids, including the killing of American activist Aysenur Eygi, demand more than mere expressions of sadness from U.S. leaders. Concrete action must be taken to hold Israel accountable for these violations of international law.
The killing of 650 people in the West Bank alone, many of whom are civilians, shows that this conflict is not just about military targets, but about the indiscriminate impact on entire communities. When will the world, including the United States, recognize the need for accountability and justice for the Palestinian people?

Copy of email sent to Biden-Harris 9/12/2024

                                               Copy of email sent to Biden-Harris

I am writing to express my deep concern about the United States' continued silence and ongoing arms shipments to Israel, which enable the Israeli military and settler militias to commit horrific acts of violence in the West Bank.
Recent Israeli military operations in Jenin and Tulkarm have shown a shocking level of brutality toward Palestinians. As documented by journalist Mariam Barghouti, this violence is both systematic and indiscriminate, with Palestinian civilians—particularly children and the elderly—bearing the brunt of the devastation.
The Israeli military's tactics, including bulldozing civilian infrastructure and denying medical access, are clear violations of international law and basic human rights. Claims of "preemptive strikes" against terrorism do not justify the destruction of homes, hospitals, and essential services, nor do they excuse the harassment of journalists or the targeting of innocent civilians. A particularly horrific example is the death of a 13-year-old girl, shot by Israeli gunfire in her bedroom during settler attacks.
This operation, disturbingly named "Operation Summer Camps," has left entire communities in fear and without protection. Rebuilding is an immense challenge in these impoverished areas, especially when residents live with the constant threat of future invasions.
The United States must not continue to ignore these atrocities. As leaders of a country that champions human rights and justice, I urge you to acknowledge the suffering of the Palestinian people and demand accountability for Israel's actions. Continued silence and support for this brutality will only prolong the violence and deepen the suffering of the Palestinian people.
I hope you will take immediate and decisive action to address this situation.

IDF-settler terrorists continue their rampage 9/12/2024

                                         IDF-settler terrorists continue their rampage

The Western media, more especially the United States continues its silences and shipment of arms to the IDF-settler terrorists to continue their rampage in the West Bank
The recent Israeli military operations in the West Bank, specifically in Jenin and Tulkarm, represent a shocking level of brutality against Palestinians. As highlighted in Mariam Barghouti's account, this violence is both systematic and indiscriminate, with Palestinian civilians, including children and the elderly, bearing the brunt of the devastation.
The Israeli military's tactics, such as bulldozing civilian infrastructure and denying medical access, are not just violations of international law but also deeply inhumane acts. The claim of "preemptive strikes" against terrorism does not justify the destruction of homes, hospitals, and vital services. Nor does it excuse the harassment of journalists or the targeting of innocent civilians, as evidenced by the horrific death of a 13-year-old girl killed in her bedroom by Israeli gunfire during settler attacks.
This assault, dubbed "Operation Summer Camps," has left entire communities in fear and without protection. As Barghouti rightly points out, rebuilding is a herculean challenge in these impoverished areas, especially when residents know that the Israeli army could invade again at any moment.
It is imperative that the international community acknowledges these atrocities and demands accountability. The world cannot continue to ignore the overwhelming suffering of the Palestinian people under this prolonged occupation.
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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Israel Intensifies Genocide with U.S. Weapons 9/11/2024

                                              Israel Intensifies Genocide with U.S. Weapons

The tragic airstrike on Al-Mawasi, designated by Israel as a humanitarian safe zone, exemplifies the dire consequences of bombing densely populated civilian areas. The killing of at least 19 people and the wounding of 60 others underscore a repeated pattern of deadly violence in Gaza, where civilians are left with no refuge.
While Israel claims to target militants (without proof), the humanitarian toll is staggering. According to international law, even during conflict, there is a responsibility to protect civilians. In Gaza, this principle seems to be repeatedly violated. Furthermore, the use of 2,000-pound U.S. bombs in areas known to house displaced Palestinians is not only reckless but condemned for the high likelihood of excessive civilian casualties.
The United Nations and human rights groups have made it clear: there is no truly safe place in Gaza under current conditions. Urging civilians to seek shelter in designated zones that later become targets only deepens the humanitarian crisis. This war must end.
The world cannot turn a blind eye to these violations. Global leadership must call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a renewed commitment to peace.
Our government is complicit in these horrific Israeli crimes. I urge concerned citizens to call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 and demand an immediate arms embargo to Israel, the resumption of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, and an end to Settler-IDF terrorism in the West Bank.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Palestinian Holocaust aided & abetted by US weapons 9/10/2024

                                          The Palestinian Holocaust aided & abetted by US weapons

The Lancet, a prestigious British medical journal, estimated that the actual death toll in Gaza could be as high as 186,000 or even higher, which represents approximately 8% of Gaza's population.
Ralph Nader’s warning about the horrifying undercount of deaths in Gaza is a chilling reminder of the scale of destruction unfolding in the region. If Nader's estimate of over 300,000 deaths holds true, the consequences for both Palestinian society and the international community's credibility are enormous.
The suspension of the official death toll at around 40,000 hides the human cost of war behind an illusion of acceptable collateral damage.
Nader rightly points out that if the true count were known, it would expose the Biden administration's complicity in supporting a military campaign that targets civilian populations—an act that violates U.S. laws governing the transfer of weapons. The destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system, critical infrastructure, and the blockade on life-saving supplies amounts to a deliberate humanitarian catastrophe.
As protests continue, demanding an end to U.S. military aid to Israel, it is vital that the global community does not shy away from the facts. The devastation in Gaza is not just a matter of numbers—it is a human tragedy, compounded by political agendas that benefit from minimizing the loss of life.
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Monday, September 9, 2024

Murder of AyÅŸenur Ezgi Eygi by Israeli sniper using US weapons; deafening silence by Biden-Harris-Trump.

 Murder of AyÅŸenur Ezgi Eygi by Israeli sniper using US weapons; deafening silence by Biden-Harris-Trump.

The tragic killing of AyÅŸenur Ezgi Eygi, a Turkish-American activist, by an Israeli sniper in the West Bank demands a stronger response from the U.S. government. AyÅŸenur, a recent graduate from the University of Washington, was volunteering with the International Solidarity Movement, advocating for justice and opposing illegal Israeli settlements in Beita. According to eyewitness accounts, she was fatally shot by an Israeli sniper after the demonstration had already dispersed.
This is not an isolated incident. At least 17 Palestinian protesters have been killed in Beita since 2020, but only AyÅŸenur’s death is making headlines because she was an American citizen. Her family, friends, and fellow activists are calling for an independent investigation. While the U.S. has expressed condolences and called for Israel to investigate, it is evident that an internal investigation will not suffice. The U.S. must demand an impartial inquiry and ensure full accountability for this heinous act.
If the U.S. government had acted when another American, Amado Sison, was shot by Israeli forces last month, perhaps AyÅŸenur would still be alive. American lives are being taken, yet there seems to be little urgency to hold Israel accountable. The U.S. must act decisively to stop this cycle of impunity.
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Saturday, September 7, 2024

U.S. Weapons Must Not Be Used to Perpetuate Violence and Suffering 9/7/2024


                        U.S. Weapons Must Not Be Used to Perpetuate Violence and Suffering

Dear President Biden and Vice President Harris,
I write to you with a deep sense of urgency and concern over the ongoing violence in Gaza and the West Bank, where U.S.-supplied weapons are being used not for self-defense, but to create unimaginable horror and mayhem. The devastating toll of these military actions on innocent Palestinian civilians, including children, cannot be justified.
While Israel claims these operations are necessary for its security, the widespread destruction, loss of life, and displacement of families make it clear that this is not about defense, but about control. U.S. weapons are playing a direct role in these actions, which are only escalating the conflict and sowing seeds of hatred for generations to come.
It is time for the United States to take a principled stand. We must reassess our role in providing military aid that contributes to the oppression of the Palestinian people, and ensure that our support is in line with our values of justice, peace, and respect for human life. Continuing on the current path will only perpetuate violence, instability, and hostility toward the U.S. in the region.
I urge you to take immediate steps to halt the use of U.S. weapons in these operations and to advocate for an end to the occupation. The world is watching, and the U.S. must choose to be on the right side of history by promoting peace rather than enabling war.

Another Tragic Loss, Another Injustice 9/7/2024

                                                  Another Tragic Loss, Another Injustice

The recent killing of an American activist in the West Bank is a chilling reminder of Rachel Corrie’s fate, an American who was crushed by a bulldozer while trying to protect a Palestinian home. The United States, once again, appears unwilling to take a strong stand. President Biden, too old and feeble, seems incapable of challenging Netanyahu’s relentless killing machine. Likewise, Vice President Harris seems more focused on her political future than on saving innocent lives.
Israel's recent violence, coinciding with the 2024 election cycle, highlights a calculated brutality. Not only was the American activist killed, but a 13-year-old Palestinian girl was also shot dead while watching clashes from her window. The death toll continues to rise in the West Bank, where over 600 have been killed since the war in Gaza began. Yet, the U.S. government remains silent, reluctant to act decisively.
How many more lives will it take before America holds Israel accountable for these atrocities? The ongoing loss of life, both American and Palestinian, demands more than just thoughts and prayers—it demands action.

IDF-Settler terrorism in the West Bank escalates 9/7/2024

                                         IDF-Settler terrorism in the West Bank escalates

Israel has made Gaza unlivable, planting seeds of hatred that will last for generations. Israeli military forces (IDF) and settler extremists, armed with U.S-U.K. weapons, have been on a rampage, killing scores of innocent Palestinians. This only deepens resentment against Israel , the United States and the United Kingdom, ensuring decades of hostility.
Israel’s propaganda machine continues to justify its actions with false claims about the insurgents it has killed. The latest military operations in Jenin and across the West Bank have devastated Palestinian communities, destroying homes, businesses, and lives. Tragically, innocent civilians, including children, are among the dead.
The U.S. must reconsider its unwavering support for Israel’s military tactics. These actions not only violate human rights but also fuel a growing animosity towards Israel, the   U.S., and the U.K. making any future peace far more difficult to achieve.
If the cycle of violence is ever to end, the world, including the United States, must hold Israel accountable for its continued occupation and aggression. Peace cannot be achieved through force, but through justice and respect for human life.
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Friday, September 6, 2024

Copy of email sent to Biden-Harris 9/6/2024

                                               Copy of email sent to Biden-Harris

I am writing to urge you to take decisive action in addressing the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. The United Nations has warned that the situation is "beyond catastrophic," with over a million Palestinians deprived of food rations and essential medical supplies due to Israel’s relentless military campaign.
In 11 months of conflict, more than 15,000 children have lost their lives, and Gaza is now experiencing its first polio outbreak in 25 years. Israel's destruction of vital infrastructure—sewage, water, electricity—has created an environment where preventable diseases are spreading rapidly. Humanitarian aid, including basic hygiene products like soap, is barely reaching the besieged population, leading to further suffering and death.
These actions cannot be justified as self-defense. The continued supply of U.S. weapons to Israel only fuels the violence and exacerbates the humanitarian crisis. The time has come for an arms embargo, not the perpetuation of a cycle of violence that disproportionately impacts innocent civilians—especially children.
I urge you to lead the international community in demanding accountability and peace. An embargo on weapons would send a clear message that the U.S. does not condone the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure and the loss of civilian lives.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is "beyond catastrophic," as reported by the United Nations.

              The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is "beyond catastrophic," as reported by the United Nations. 

The situation is alarming, with over a million Palestinians deprived of food rations and basic necessities like medical supplies. Israel’s 11-month military campaign has resulted in the deaths of more than 15,000 children, a tragic number that demands global attention and action.

The reemergence of polio after 25 years in Gaza underscores the dire conditions. Israel’s destruction of infrastructure—sewage, water, electricity—has created a breeding ground for disease. Humanitarian aid, including basic hygiene supplies like soap, is barely trickling in, leading to the spread of diseases such as hepatitis A, meningitis, and impetigo. Arwa Damon, founder of the nonprofit INARA, highlights that this lack of assistance exacerbates the suffering of displaced Palestinians, who are left to navigate constant bombings in a "macabre, dark, twisted game" of survival.
The children of Gaza face unimaginable hardships. One 10-year-old, Karam Yassin, speaks to a desire that should be universal: to play, go to school, eat, and live in peace. Instead, he and countless others are trapped in a warzone with little hope for relief.
It is essential for the international community to step up and pressure Israel to allow unimpeded access for humanitarian aid. Without immediate action, the suffering in Gaza will only continue to escalate, with devastating consequences. This has nothing to do with “Israel’s right to defend itself” but giving permission to Israel to commit the most grotesque genocide with our tax dollars.
I implore concerned citizens to call The White House comment line at 202-456-1111 and demand an immediate ceasefire, resumption of food, water, and fuel to Gazans, and an immediate embargo on all weapons to Israel.

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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Radical lawmakers attempt to silence social justice academicians 9/5/2024

                       Radical lawmakers attempt to silence social justice academicians

In recent news, Professor Steven Thrasher, chair of social justice reporting at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, has faced troubling consequences for his involvement in pro-Palestinian, pro-life protests. During a congressional hearing earlier this year, he was singled out by a Republican lawmaker who derogatorily referred to him as a "goon" for protecting students from violent arrests. Despite the charges against him being dropped, Professor Thrasher has been suspended from teaching while Northwestern conducts an investigation.
In his first interview since the incident, Thrasher spoke with Democracy Now, the premier world-wide human rights organization,  expressing frustration over the lack of due process and the university’s shift in its stance toward his work. While previously praised for his contributions to social justice journalism, he now faces scrutiny for applying the same principles he used to advocate for race, LGBTQ issues, and health crises like COVID and HIV to the situation in Gaza.
The targeting of Professor Thrasher and others like him is emblematic of a broader issue: the increasing repression of academic freedom and student activism related to Palestine on university campuses. These actions raise serious concerns about the limits being placed on free speech and the right to protest, particularly when it comes to advocating for justice in Gaza.
Universities should be spaces where challenging ideas can be freely explored and debated. The suspension of Thrasher sets a dangerous precedent, one that threatens not just him, but the integrity of academic institutions as a whole.
It is vital that we stand in solidarity with educators and students who are working to elevate marginalized voices and shed light on crucial social justice issues.

Haditha massacre 9/5/2024

                                                              Haditha massacre

The recent reporting by The New Yorker on the 2005 Haditha massacre is a powerful reminder of the U.S. military’s repeated failure to take responsibility for its devastating actions. The release of 10 photos depicting the massacre—photos the military tried to suppress for nearly two decades—is a chilling testament to the brutal killing of 24 innocent Iraqi civilians, including children as young as 3. The Marines responsible for this atrocity faced little to no justice, with most charges dropped and no prison time for those involved.
This case exemplifies how America often attempts to cover up its darkest moments, failing to offer accountability or an apology. What the survivors want is simple: for the world to know the truth and recognize that their family members were not insurgents, but innocent people caught in a senseless act of revenge.
It’s troubling that it took legal battles and investigative reporting to bring these images to light. Madeleine Baran and the team behind In the Dark should be commended for their perseverance in the face of such obstruction. The world must remember Haditha, and justice must be sought for those who still suffer the pain of that day.
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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

US Misleading Public on Netanyahu-Hamas Negotiations 9/4/2024

                               US Misleading Public on Netanyahu-Hamas Negotiations

The U.S. is misleading the public by suggesting that an agreement between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Hamas is close. In reality, Netanyahu’s intransigence is a death sentence for the hostages.
Over the past few days, tens of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets to demand that Netanyahu agree to a ceasefire and the release of hostages held by Hamas. Despite the overwhelming public pressure, Netanyahu refuses to accept a deal, adding new demands such as Israeli control of the Philadelphi Corridor. This stubbornness jeopardizes the lives of innocent hostages and prolongs the suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians.
President Biden and the U.S. government must apply stronger pressure on Netanyahu. Empty promises of progress in negotiations do little to change the dire reality on the ground. We need a real deal that prioritizes human life over political maneuvering.
Netanyahu’s refusal to end the conflict shows a lack of regard for the lives of Israeli citizens, especially those held captive. The U.S. should not support policies that allow this tragedy to continue.

Save the children 9/4/2024

                                                    Save the children

The recent polio vaccination campaign in Gaza highlights the critical need for more than just temporary pauses in military activity. As health officials work tirelessly to protect children from a reemerging polio threat, Israel's brief eight-hour humanitarian pauses are far from sufficient. Yanti Soeripto, president of Save the Children US, rightly pointed out the practical challenges of vaccinating children during an ongoing conflict. The constant threat of bombings and displaced families make it nearly impossible to ensure children receive the full two-dose course necessary to protect them from paralysis.
Gaza has been polio-free for 25 years, but now, due to deteriorating health and sanitation conditions, this disease has returned. The tragic irony is that while children are being vaccinated against one deadly threat, they remain vulnerable to another—war. As one resident, Ghada Judeh, said, "We can protect our children from disease, but not from IDF terrorist strikes."
A permanent ceasefire is the only true solution to ensure the safety of Gaza’s children and the success of essential public health initiatives. We must urge the international community to act swiftly and demand an end to this devastating conflict. Only then can we safeguard the lives and futures of these innocent children.

Netanyahu & Trump worst enemies of Israel, America & the world 9/4/2024

                      Netanyahu & Trump worst enemies of Israel, America & the world

The recent political maneuvers by Prime Minister Netanyahu, including his alliance with far-right extremists, are deeply troubling. His refusal to consider a cease-fire in Gaza or to engage in meaningful negotiations for peace is not about Israel's security; it's about his own political survival. By prioritizing military control over the Philadelphi Corridor at the expense of Israeli hostages, Netanyahu shows a disregard for human life and a willingness to sacrifice the future of Israel for his personal ambitions.
Netanyahu's actions, particularly his apparent strategy to escalate the conflict in Gaza to influence U.S. elections, are reckless. His alignment with former President Trump is not in Israel's best interest, nor is it in the interest of global peace. Instead, it serves to deepen the isolation of Israel, exacerbate the suffering in Gaza, and drive more talented Israelis to seek opportunities abroad.
President Biden and Vice President Harris must take a stand. An immediate embargo on weapons to Israel is necessary to pressure Netanyahu to end the war. Europe will likely follow, bringing the conflict to a swifter resolution and paving the way for a genuine peace process. Israel's future depends on courageous leadership that prioritizes peace over political gamesmanship.
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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Discovery of Israeli hostages 9/3/2024

                                                      Discovery of Israeli hostages

The recent discovery of the bodies of six Israeli hostages in Rafah, Gaza, has sparked widespread protests throughout Israel. This tragedy underscores the urgent need for an independent investigation to determine the true cause of death. Bombs do not discriminate between friend and foe. Knowing the facts is crucial for justice and accountability.
The outpouring of grief and anger in cities like Jerusalem and Tel Aviv reveals a growing demand for a ceasefire and negotiations that could lead to the release of the remaining hostages. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection of these demands is a dangerous stance, especially when his own Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, has indicated some willingness to compromise. The government’s hardline position, focused on military dominance rather than diplomatic solutions, only prolongs suffering on all sides.
It is also troubling that Netanyahu has provided no evidence to support his claim that Hamas killed the hostages. This lack of transparency fuels further mistrust and division. The rare general strike organized by Histadrut and the ongoing protests signal a possible turning point, yet true change will require acknowledging the suffering on both sides of this conflict. Peace will remain elusive as long as the plight of Palestinian civilians is ignored, and military solutions are prioritized over dialogue and diplomacy.
The pain felt by families who have lost loved ones, like Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s family, and the horrific genocide of Palestinians, is unimaginable. As Jon Polin said, we must ensure these deaths are not in vain. This tragedy should push all parties to seek understanding, justice, and lasting peace that addresses the root causes of this conflict, including the excessively cruel occupation, displacement, and killing of Palestinians sustained since Israel’s founding, with
$ billions in military and economic support from the U.S. and European governments in violation of all norms of civilized behavior.

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Settler & IDF terror in the West Bank 9/1/2024

                                            Settler & IDF terror in the West Bank

The recent Israeli military raids in the Nur Shams area near Tulkarm highlight the devastating impact on Palestinian civilians. As bulldozers tore up roads, many families were left without essential services like running water and internet. Tragically, some families mourned the loss of loved ones during these violent operations.
These raids have trapped residents in their homes, creating an environment of fear and uncertainty. The death of Ayed Abu al-Heija, an elderly man suffering from mental illness, underscores the human cost of these military actions. His family found his body lying in the doorway for hours, a heartbreaking image of the chaos left in the wake of the raid.
The use of drones and armored vehicles in densely populated areas not only causes physical destruction but also deepens the psychological scars of the occupation.
This cycle of violence reinforces the belief among some Palestinians that only armed resistance can bring about change, as highlighted by Tulkarm’s governor, Mustafa Taqatqa. If peace is ever to be achieved, there must be a shift towards dialogue and respect for human rights, ensuring that innocent civilians do not continue to pay the price for ongoing conflict.
Predictably, the Biden-Harris administration repeats the mantra that U.S. bombs and other weapons are being used for self-defense. The Biden-Harris team has demonstrated timidity and fear of challenging the demonic Netanyahu and the far-right, undemocratic Israeli government. The ongoing genocide and brutal occupation are planting the seeds of hatred and instability for decades to come.
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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Growing Health Crisis in Gaza 8/31/2024

                                                           Growing Health Crisis in Gaza

The recent polio outbreak in Gaza is a stark reminder of the dire consequences of the ongoing conflict and the humanitarian crisis it has created. Relentless bombing in Gaza has forced Palestinian civilians to be constantly on the move, often without access to adequate vaccination, food, or clean water. These conditions have directly contributed to a resurgence of polio, with a 10-month-old baby now paralyzed in one leg due to the virus. This is Gaza's first confirmed polio case in 25 years, and it poses a threat of further spread.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been alarming numbers of diarrhea cases, respiratory infections, lice, scabies, and suspected hepatitis A. International agencies are now rushing to provide over 1.6 million doses of oral poliovirus vaccine to immunize children under the age of 10. However, this reactive approach does not address the root causes of the health crisis in Gaza.
The ongoing conflict has decimated hospitals and clinics. This has severely limited Gaza’s ability to provide basic healthcare and disease prevention services. The current crisis, exacerbated by constant airstrikes and ground combat, makes Israel and the United States complicit in the humanitarian disaster affecting young children.
The situation in Gaza requires immediate international intervention to stop the violence and ensure access to essential health services. Failing to act will not only continue to harm the people of Gaza but could also lead to a broader public health crisis. It is imperative that the global community holds accountable those responsible for these actions and works to restore peace and stability in the region.
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Friday, August 30, 2024

Ms. Harris’s Views on Israel Spell Doom for Palestinians 8/30/2024

                                            Ms. Harris’s Views on Israel Spell Doom for Palestinians

In a recent interview with CNN, Vice President Kamala Harris stated, "Let me be very clear: I am unequivocal and unwavering in my commitment to Israel’s defense and its ability to defend itself."
Ms. Harris, nonstop 24-hour bombing, mass starvation, attacking food convoys, and torturing thousands of innocent civilians in Israeli dungeons has nothing to do with self-defense. It is a systematic annihilation of a defenseless population. It is the antithesis of what the world's great religions teach us. Continuing the failed Israel policy of Mr. Biden is a prescription for the complete annihilation of the Palestinian people. I hope and pray you can summon enough courage to reverse course and stand up for human rights. Hundreds of innocent Palestinians are being horribly tortured, facing monumental genocide and depravity epitomized by Israel’s actions.
Yousef Munayyer, head of the Palestine-Israel program at the Arab Center Washington DC, rightly described Harris’s statements as extremely disappointing. He highlighted the administration’s unwavering military support for Israel and its ongoing brutal occupation, dating back to 1948, which many view as enabling a genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza. The numbers speak for themselves: tens of thousands dead, millions displaced, and widespread destruction of infrastructure. While Harris’s emphasis on a ceasefire is commendable, it is not enough when the U.S. continues to supply arms that fuel the conflict.
The media's role in holding political leaders accountable is crucial. However, this interview failed to challenge Vice President Harris on the U.S.'s continued support of Israel's military actions. As Munayyer pointed out, public opinion has shifted significantly, with growing numbers of Americans, including Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans, supporting an end to arms shipments to Israel. It's troubling that the current administration remains out of step with this shift, choosing instead to stand behind an outdated policy that exacerbates violence and suffering.
The administration's refusal to engage with Palestinian voices, even at the Democratic National Convention, signals a lack of political will to address this ongoing crisis. Vice President Harris's statements suggest a continuation of policies that contradict both international and American laws regarding the use of military aid. It is time for a genuine commitment to peace and justice, one that holds all parties accountable and prioritizes human rights above political alliances.
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Gender apartheid in Afghanistan: A Call for Global Action 8/30/2024

                                 Gender apartheid in Afghanistan: A Call for Global Action

The recent news of the Taliban enforcing a law in Afghanistan that bans women’s voices in public and requires them to completely cover their bodies, including their faces, is deeply alarming. Since the Taliban's return to power in 2021, they have systematically stripped women of their rights, ending girls' education beyond primary school and banning women from working in most fields. These measures, now codified, amount to nothing less than gender apartheid, as Dr. Sima Samar, an Afghan human rights advocate, rightly points out.
This draconian law is enforced by the morality police, aiming to erase women from public life entirely. Women are silenced, rendered invisible, and stripped of their dignity, all for the "crime" of being women. This is not only a gross violation of human rights but also a crime against humanity that has no parallel in any other regime worldwide.
The international community must not turn a blind eye to these atrocities. It is crucial for global leaders, human rights organizations, and everyday citizens to raise their voices and demand an end to this oppressive regime. Afghan women, through their brave defiance on social media, have shown us that they will not be silenced. We must support them by continuing to advocate for their rights, applying pressure on the Taliban, and ensuring that the world does not normalize this gender-based oppression.
This is not just an Afghan issue; it's a global call to defend the fundamental rights of women everywhere. The time for action is now.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Biden-Harris gives the green light for ethnic cleansing in the WB 8/29/2024

                                           Biden-Harris gives the green light for ethnic cleansing in the WB

The recent escalation of violence in the occupied West Bank is deeply alarming and requires urgent international action. Israel's largest military operation in over two decades, involving raids on multiple cities and refugee camps, has resulted in the deaths of at least 18 Palestinians and injuries to many more. The use of fighter jets, drones, and bulldozers in densely populated areas like Jenin highlights the systematic brutality against Palestinian civilians.
Ahmed Tobasi, artistic director at the Freedom Theatre in Jenin, poignantly described the scene as one of fear and helplessness. He emphasized that these aggressive tactics are part of a broader strategy to forcibly displace Palestinians, a claim supported by ongoing settlement expansion and repeated military incursions. The reported targeting of hospitals and blocking of exit points in Jenin is reminiscent of the violence witnessed during the Second Intifada, suggesting a deliberate campaign to terrorize and displace the Palestinian population.
The silence and complicity of the international community, particularly the United States, are disheartening. Continued U.S. military aid to Israel is seen as a green light for these operations, raising ethical and moral concerns. The international community must act now to end this violence and support efforts for peace, justice, and self-determination for the Palestinian people.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

V.P. Harris & Social Justice 8/28/2024

                                                     V.P. Harris & Social Justice

As a longtime supporter of human rights, I've watched with growing apprehension the recent rebranding of Vice President Kamala Harris. Portrayed as relatable and charismatic, the narrative paints her as a beacon of hope and unity. However, embracing this image requires turning a blind eye to significant issues—such as the administration’s ongoing support for policies that harm Palestinians.
While Kamala Harris's speeches often address social justice, they fall short when it comes to the Middle East. Her acknowledgment of Palestinian suffering is vague, lacking direct criticism of those responsible for the violence and oppression. This ambiguity makes it difficult to reconcile her platform of justice and accountability with the reality of American foreign policy in the region.
American society often seeks clear-cut narratives of heroes and villains, positioning itself on the side of justice and democracy. Yet, the situation in Gaza challenges this simplistic view. Grassroots movements, like Uncommitted, call for a cease-fire and a reevaluation of U.S. military aid to Israel. These are not fringe demands but calls for a consistent ethical stance.
The real test for any political leader lies not in symbolic gestures or identity markers but in a commitment to genuine justice. True accountability means addressing not only domestic issues but also foreign policies that undermine human rights. To move forward, it is essential for leaders to align their actions with their rhetoric, thereby building a future grounded in consistent and principled justice.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Human Rights Watch 8/27/2024

                                                       Human Rights Watch'

 Human Rights Watch's recent report on the arbitrary detention and torture of Palestinian healthcare workers by Israeli forces is deeply alarming. The harrowing testimonies from doctors, nurses, and paramedics who have been blindfolded, beaten, and subjected to horrific abuses such as electric shocks and sexual assault cannot be ignored. These healthcare workers, committed to saving lives, are facing unimaginable suffering simply for fulfilling their humanitarian duties.

Eyad Abed, a surgeon from Beit Lahia, recounted relentless beatings and cruel treatment despite his pleas that he was a medical professional. Such accounts of brutal violence, coupled with reports of detainees being held in metal cages and even witnessing the deaths of fellow prisoners, highlight a pattern of severe mistreatment. This constitutes not only a violation of human rights but also of international humanitarian law, which mandates the humane treatment of detainees.
The involvement of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is crucial. Israel must be held accountable for these alleged war crimes. The complicity of the United States and European countries, through continued military support for Israel, only exacerbates this situation, making them complicit in the ongoing atrocities.
We must demand transparency, accountability, and an end to the torture and unlawful detention of Palestinian healthcare workers. The silence of the international community, especially the United States and the UK, is not just a failure of morality but a failure of justice.
Finally, the murder, starvation, and horrific torture occurring in Israeli prisons against the finest of humanity—doctors and healthcare workers—are reminiscent of Auschwitz-Birkenau during World War II. Such inhumane treatment is a grave violation of human rights and dignity, echoing some of the darkest chapters in history. It is crucial that the international community holds those responsible accountable and ensures that such cruelty does not continue unchecked.

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Monday, August 26, 2024

Saints and the merchants of death 8/26/2024

                                               Saints and the merchants of death

Kate Forbes's moving essay, "Humanitarians Are Dying. Why Doesn’t the World Care?" highlights a pressing and tragic issue: the rising number of humanitarian aid workers losing their lives in conflict zones. It is heart-wrenching to learn about the deaths of dedicated individuals like Mohammed Al-Omari and Amit Man, who gave their lives to save others. This year alone, 187 humanitarian workers have been killed, and the numbers are on track to reach unprecedented levels.
Forbes rightly points out that long-standing norms protecting humanitarian workers are being eroded, and misinformation further exacerbates their vulnerability. These men and women, often from the communities they serve, work tirelessly to provide care in times of crisis
Their deaths should be a call to action for governments and international organizations to renew their commitment to safeguarding the lives of those who dedicate themselves to helping others.
Republicans and Democrats alike falsely conflate support for “Israel’s right to defend itself” with maintaining a continuous supply of weapons of death, ensuring the annihilation and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, reminiscent of the Holocaust.
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Sunday, August 25, 2024

The DNC and America's Global Image 8/25/2024

                                               The DNC and America's Global Image

The Democratic National Convention in Chicago concluded with Vice President Kamala Harris accepting the presidential nomination, culminating in a week of carefully planned political spectacle. What struck me most was the level of choreographed theatrics. Despite the incessant chants of “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” throughout the week, the reality is starkly different: America's global prestige has never been lower, nor has it been more discredited around the world than it is today.
A few examples of regime changes 
The convention's optics, with Palestinian flags effectively blocked by the overwhelming presence of American flags, felt deeply disingenuous. While delegates and speakers offered compassionate words, these did little to change the reality of the ongoing war and violence, particularly the bombings in Gaza that have claimed the lives of countless civilians, including innocent women and children.
As an independent and undecided voter, it is challenging to find enthusiasm for the Democratic Party at this moment. The display of orchestrated unity at the convention seemed to mask the uncomfortable truths about America's foreign policies, including its support for military aggression and attempts at regime change. The disconnect between the rhetoric of democracy and human rights and the actions of the U.S. government is glaring, leading to widespread cynicism both domestically and internationally.
In a time when genuine leadership and honesty are crucial, the spectacle of the DNC did little to inspire confidence or hope for meaningful change.
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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Exclusion of Palestinian American voices. 8/24/2024

                                              Exclusion of Palestinian American voices.

The recent Democratic National Convention highlights a critical issue that needs immediate attention: the exclusion of Palestinian American voices. Despite days of private negotiations, the Harris campaign refused to allow a Palestinian American to take the stage, sparking frustration among uncommitted delegates and leading to a sit-in outside the United Center. These uncommitted delegates, elected in state primaries, were pushing for an end to the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s military actions in Gaza and advocating for a U.S. arms embargo.
Among the voices silenced was Georgia State Representative Ruwa Romman, the first Palestinian elected to public office in her state. Romman’s prepared speech called for justice and equal rights, highlighting a growing multifaith, multiracial coalition within the Democratic Party that seeks to end the violence and promote peace. Her exclusion underscores a troubling trend where Palestinian perspectives are marginalized, even within a party that claims to champion diversity and human rights.
This silencing of Palestinian Americans not only undermines the principles of free speech and democracy but also alienates a significant portion of the party’s base. If the Democratic Party is truly committed to justice and equality, it must make room for all voices, especially those advocating for peace and human rights in Palestine. The party’s greatest strength lies in its ability to unite diverse perspectives, and it is time to leverage that strength for meaningful dialogue and action.
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The Hidden Tragedy of War: Gaza's Orphaned Children

                                     The Hidden Tragedy of War: Gaza's Orphaned Children

While Democrats in the United States were celebrating Vice President Kamala Harris’s nomination and waving flags, 6,300 miles away, American bombs were killing and maiming Palestinian civilians, creating thousands of orphans in Gaza. The war in Gaza has torn families apart, leaving children without parents and parents without children. The scale of this tragedy is so vast that aid groups cannot even begin to count the number of orphans.
Medical staff in Gaza report that children are left to wander hospital hallways alone, often labeled as "wounded child, no surviving family." Babies lie in neonatal units without anyone to claim them. In Khan Younis, a volunteer-run camp shelters more than 1,000 children who have lost one or both parents. Some children have lost their entire families and are listed as “only survivors.” Amid the chaos, no one knows exactly how many children have lost track of their parents—or lost them for good.
The United Nations estimates that at least 19,000 children are now separated from their parents, many living with relatives or other caretakers. However, the actual number is likely much higher due to the intense bombing and displacement in Gaza, where children make up a large proportion of the population.
Tens of thousands of lives have been shattered, with children being the most vulnerable. These children, some of whom have been left with life-altering injuries, face a future filled with uncertainty, trauma, and limited support. If peace ever returns to Gaza, these children will need shelter, education, and mental health care to rebuild their lives.
The international community must acknowledge this humanitarian crisis and take immediate action to protect and support the innocent children caught in this devastating conflict. Biden’s “bridging ceasefire” is a non-starter. The only way forward is to declare a total embargo on weapons sales to Israel, secure the release of all hostages, and establish a permanent ceasefire.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Urgent Need to Address Gender-Based Violence in India 8/23/2024

                                 Urgent Need to Address Gender-Based Violence in India

The recent rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor in Kolkata have reignited urgent concerns about the safety of women in India. This tragic event has cast a glaring spotlight on a recurring issue that severely tarnishes India's aspirations of being a global leader. The thousands of medical professionals and civilians protesting on the streets reflect the nation's collective outrage and demand for justice.
Despite legal measures and workplace harassment guidelines implemented after the 2012 gang rape of Nirbhaya in New Delhi, these protections remain largely ineffective. The lax implementation of laws, unprofessional handling of sexual assault cases, and ingrained societal prejudices against women contribute to a deeply dysfunctional system. As Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud emphasized, India cannot afford to wait for another brutal crime to push for meaningful change.
Women in India face daily threats of sexual violence, whether at work, on public transportation, or even within their homes. The persistent danger has not only hindered women's safety but has also placed the onus of their protection on themselves and their families. Such circumstances significantly limit the freedom and opportunities of women, stunting the progress of half the nation's population.
It is crucial that the government and law enforcement agencies take immediate, concrete action to prevent such heinous crimes. This includes properly training personnel, ensuring prompt and professional investigations, and holding those responsible accountable. Only by fostering a society that genuinely respects and protects women's rights can India hope to emerge as a true global leader.

Shameful exclusion of Palestinian voices at the DNC 8/23/2024

                                    Shameful exclusion of Palestinian voices at the DNC

The recent sit-in protest by delegates from the Uncommitted National Movement and their supporters outside the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is a powerful reminder of the ongoing marginalization of Palestinian voices. The refusal by the DNC and the Harris campaign to allow a Palestinian speaker on the main stage, while providing a platform to the family members of Israeli hostages, highlights a glaring double standard. This act has rightfully sparked outrage among progressives and advocates for Palestinian rights.
Representative Ilhan Omar aptly criticized the hypocrisy of advocating for a ceasefire while continuing to supply weapons to Israel, stating, "If you really wanted a ceasefire, you just stop sending the weapons. It is that simple." Her words resonate with those who see the United States' actions as contradictory and complicit in the ongoing violence.
The disbanding of the group Muslim Women for Harris-Walz in protest is a strong statement against the Democratic Party’s handling of this issue. Their decision reflects the deep sense of betrayal felt by many who believe that Palestinians deserve the right to speak about their experiences and advocate for peace and justice.
The violence in Gaza continues unabated, with innocent civilians, particularly children, bearing the brunt of the conflict. The ongoing attacks, such as the bombing that claimed the life of a young boy in Khan Younis and another that struck a school in Gaza City, killing and injuring more children, underscore the urgent need for a genuine commitment to ceasefire and peace.
It is time for the Democratic Party to listen to these voices and acknowledge the human rights of all people, including Palestinians. Failing to do so not only alienate progressive voices within the party but also perpetuates the cycle of violence and suffering.
Finally, it is time for the corporate media to break their long silence and demand an immediate embargo on military weapons to Israel, an end to the suffocating occupation in Gaza and the West Bank, release of all the hostages and a permanent ceasefire.
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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Gaza’s Forgotten Children 8/22/2024

                                                   Gaza’s Forgotten Children

The recent report by Defense for Children International Palestine sheds light on deeply troubling allegations against Israeli forces regarding their treatment of Palestinian children in Gaza. The accusations include detaining and torturing children, using them as human shields, and intentionally separating them from their families. Harrowing testimonies from survivors detail horrific abuse: boys forced to strip naked, walk with their hands bound in front of Israeli tanks and bulldozers, being beaten, denied water, and threatened with dogs. Sixteen-year-old Abdulmunim's account of being blindfolded, tied up, and beaten alongside his younger brother is particularly distressing.
These accounts are not just isolated incidents; they reveal a pattern of inhumane treatment that cannot be ignored. The international community must hold Israel accountable for its actions, and the U.S. must reassess its unwavering support for Israel, particularly given these serious human rights violations. The growing outrage among uncommitted voters in battleground states and protesters outside the DNC in Chicago demonstrates a clear demand for change in U.S. policy. President Biden's continued support for Israel, despite these allegations, is increasingly at odds with the values of justice and human rights that many Americans hold dear.
We must listen to the voices of those who are calling for justice and take a stand against the mistreatment of Gaza's most vulnerable. The world cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinian children any longer.
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British diplomat resigns over Gaza war 8/22/2024

                                            British diplomat resigns over Gaza war

The recent resignation of British diplomat Mark Smith sheds a harsh light on the ethical crisis surrounding the UK's—and by extension, our own government's—continued military aid to Israel. As someone deeply involved in the Middle East arms export licensing assessment, Smith's decision to step down, citing the UK's complicity in war crimes, cannot be taken lightly. His assertion that Israel is committing war crimes "in plain sight" raises urgent questions about our own government's role in enabling these actions.
It is concerning that Smith's warnings, even when brought to the attention of Foreign Secretary David Lammy, were seemingly disregarded. This suggests a troubling disconnect between the UK's legal obligations and its foreign policy decisions. The UK must re-examine its stance on arms sales and ensure that it does not become complicit in the perpetuation of violence and human rights abuses.
The international community should applaud Smith’s ethical stand in exposing Israel’s horrific war crimes, which President Biden and Vice President Harris falsely defend as “Israel’s right to self-defense.”
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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Doctor speaks out over mass killings of children in Gaza 8/21/2024

                                    Doctor speaks out over mass killings of children in Gaza

I am deeply moved by the accounts shared by Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, who has worked as a medic in Gaza. Her testimony sheds light on the harrowing realities faced by the people of Gaza and the immense challenges that healthcare professionals encounter in this conflict zone. As Dr. Haj-Hassan pointed out, the Israeli military campaign is not only targeting lives but also the very infrastructure necessary for survival, rendering the work of physicians nearly impossible.
The horrors described, including the targeting of children and the devastation of entire families, underscore the urgent need for international intervention. The stories of doctors haunted by the faces of parents asking why they didn’t do more to save their children are a call to action for all of us.
It is heartbreaking to hear that children in Gaza are wishing for death because of the unbearable conditions they face. This is a tragic indictment of the ongoing military actions and the international community's failure to stop them.
Dr. Haj-Hassan’s experiences challenge the narrative that civilian lives are being protected. Her firsthand accounts suggest that much more must be done to safeguard innocent lives.
We must demand an immediate embargo of military weapons to Israel. This makes a complete mockery of the Biden-Harris repeated mantra, “Israel has the right to defend itself.” This is US-Israel mass murder & mass starvation.

Gaza & the DNC 8/21/2024

                                                           Gaza & the DNC

The Gaza war has been met with a deafening silence from the Democratic National Convention (DNC) stage, raising serious doubts about Secretary of State Antony Blinken's claims regarding ceasefire talks. As the Israeli military orders forced evacuations in central Gaza, signaling an expansion of ground operations, the plight of the Palestinian people continues to worsen. The Health Ministry in Gaza reports that over 50 Palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to more than 40,200. Yet, the DNC barely acknowledges this humanitarian crisis, with Gaza mentioned only in passing.
The Democratic Party’s platform, adopted this week, fails to call for an arms embargo on Israel, instead reaffirming unwavering U.S. support. Rewarding Israel with $20 billion more in aid amidst this genocide is not leadership; it's capitulation and a complete lack of moral fiber. President Biden may claim he "gave it all," but his refusal to align with justice has only precipitated the danger of a wider regional conflict. The DNC missed a crucial opportunity to save precious lives, instead caving to the pressures of the Israeli lobby. The only hope now lies with the voices of the people in the streets, whose protests may be the last chance to save Palestinian lives.
As human rights lawyer Zaha Hassan, a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, aptly put it, "There’s been an almost competition between Democrats and Republicans on 'how much can we show Israel that we support them and that we have their back?' Why should Israel ever compromise its positions if they know that by holding out, they’ll get more weapons from the U.S.?"
The ongoing expansion of Israel's military operations, including the recent evacuations in Deir al-Balah and the deadly airstrike on a market in the city, only highlights the urgent need for a change in U.S. policy. The DNC’s failure to address this crisis is a grave misstep that could have dire consequences for the region and the world. Shame on Biden and Harris!
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