Thursday, September 19, 2024

Barbarism & mass starvation in in Sudan 9/19/2024

                                    Barbarism & mass starvation in in Sudan

The atrocities described in a recent report from the Chad-Sudan border are a gut-wrenching reminder of humanity's capacity for cruelty. The stories of Maryam Suleiman and Thuraya Muhammad are horrifying, yet what is perhaps even more devastating is the indifference of the world to their suffering. As Sudan plunges deeper into war and famine, global leaders remain distracted, leaving millions to face starvation, displacement, and death.
This is not just a Sudanese crisis; it is a global failure. While the world turned its gaze toward Darfur two decades ago, sparking outrage and action, today's silence is deafening. The numbers—25 million acutely malnourished and the prospect of 13 million starving by 2025—are staggering, yet they seem to fall on deaf ears.
As President Biden and other leaders gather at the United Nations, they must be reminded of their moral obligation to prevent further genocide and famine in Sudan. The failure to provide adequate humanitarian aid and to hold accountable those supplying weapons to militias is a stain on the international community. We cannot allow history to repeat itself while innocents like Thuraya and Maryam suffer.
It is time to prioritize human lives over geopolitical interests. If we fail to act, the shame of this catastrophe will not lie with those struggling to survive, but with those of us who stood by and did nothing.

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