Sunday, January 15, 2006

Impeach Bush & Blair 1-15-2006

      15, January 2006             Impeach Bush & Blair

I am appalled that the British Courts have charged two courageous men, David Kreogh and Leo O’Conner of violating the archaic British Official Secrets Act – an act used to suppress the dark deeds of the British Government. It is encouraging to know that there are some people who still follow the dictates of their conscience and refuse to be cowered by the British Establishment. It is not surprising that the Blair government is attempting to suppress public knowledge of the meeting of Prime Minister Blair and his US master, President Bush, in April 2004, in which the gun toting Texan planned to bomb Al Jazeera, in Qatar.

It is encouraging that more senior officials on both sides of the Atlantic are demanding accountability from the Blair and Bush governments. General Sir Michael Rose, a former commander of the United Nations troops in Bosnia called for the impeachment of Prime Minister Blair for taking the country to war on false pretenses.  The general’s remarks were unusually harsh for a commander of such senior rank – “no one can undo the decision to go to war but impeachment of Blair is now I believe something that must happen if we are to rekindle interest in the democratic process”. One can make a similar case for the impeachment of George Bush. 

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