Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Honor women 5-16-2006

16, May 2006                                      Honor women
The central theme of Ayaan Hirsi All's recently published book, "The Caged Virgin, offers compelling food for thought, namely its 'IT'S NOT TOLERANT TO TOLERATE intolerance'. This is a valuable lesson that we, as Indo-Americans, would be wise to follow. Ali, a young member of the Dutch parliament excoriates her adopted country for responding to radicalized hostility to women with passivity and indifference. Ali, a victim of intolerance, escaped from her native Somalia and a planned marriage to a distant cousin, in 1992. Since arriving in Holland, Ali has demonstrated enormous courage in voicing her fierce opposition to Islamic customs which dishonors and relegates women to mere chattels and playthings of their men folk. Ali make a strong appeal to the Dutch and western world to intercede on behalf of her Islamic sisters to free them from the bonds of slavery and persecution. It is encouraging that Holland and other western nations are taking heed of Ali's message and are perhaps willing to make policy changes to adopt a less tolerant attitude to religious fundamentalism. Ali articulates a persuasive message - abandon strict interpretations of the Koran and glorify God through right thinking and noble actions.
Attempts to silence those who take a contrary view and oppose a literal interpretation of the Koran is to enhance negative stereotypical attitudes. Islam is certainly not alone in subjugating women and proselytizing their faith at the barrel of a gun. History is replete with appalling acts of violence committed to force feed Christianity to non-believers. Tens of thousands of non-Christians perished during the Christian Crusades in a grotesque spectacle of promoting Christ's universal message of love and tolerance. Christian missionaries and religious marketing gurus have also been adept at promoting 'one stop' drive through spiritual fast food outlets where the non-believer or sinner is offered salvation by uttering 'lord pul chuk maf (forgive me)' and accepting Christ as the gatekeeper to heaven and - lo and behold - all is forgiven!
More recently, Deepa Mehta's encountered fierce opposition filming WATER. The riveting movie chronicles the lives of windows who endure enormous suffering and deprivation on the demise of their 'saintly male spouses', following the 'sacred religious text of Manu'. The movie set had to be relocated from Banaras to Sri Lanka after religious fanatics destroyed the movie set. It is a national shame that our society tolerates the cruel and archaic custom which imprisons a staggering 43 million widows to unnecessary suffering. The widows are forced to shave their heads, and discouraged from appearing in public lest their 'impure' presence or indeed their shadows should defile the public at large. Alas, these 'children of God' are given three choices according Manu, die on the husbands pyre, marry the deceased's younger brother, or live in isolation in a widow's home. Often these women are loaned out for sexual favors to generate additional revenue.
It is time for enlightened Indians to demonstrate their utter revulsion to these grotesque practices which sadly are sanctified by religious texts written by men to undermine the basic human rights of widowed women.

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