Monday, October 10, 2016

Second Debate 10-10-2016

10, October 2016                  Second Debate

Cornered and angry, Trump pursued a scorched earth approach to weaken his opponent. He didn't even wait for the debate to begin, kicking off with his pre-debate "press conference" stunt to embarrass Clinton and divert attention from the damaging 2005 sexual explicit videotape.

The tape provides gruesome evidence that the Republican nominee used his wealth and fame to prey on women using his tiny hands to violate the most intimate parts of their bodies offering conclusive proof that he is a disgusting sexual predator.

Sniffing and glowering like a bear released from a cage, Trump prowled menacingly behind Clinton throughout the debate. Devoid of talking points of any substance, Trump resorted to insults and innuendos threatening Clinton with jail if elected president.

He struggled to articulate any coherent policies stumbling into a series of unconnected sentences resorting to wild accusations which have repeatedly deemed to be false - accusing Clinton of giving birth to the birther lie about President Obama. In a desperate effort to capitalize on Clinton’s unwise support for the invasions of Iraq and Libya, Trump falsely claimed that he had opposed the invasions.

His practice of bullying and belittling anyone who dares to challenge him exemplifies the attributes of a dictator. Perhaps, that is why he has such admiration for Vladimir Putin. 

If we elect this quintessential bully, a serial sexual predator who boasts of  evading taxes, we will all be reduced to a nation of “deplorables”.

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