Sunday, October 2, 2016

Simon Peres 10-2-2016

2, October 2016                    Simon Peres

Leaders around the world honored Simon Peres who died at 93 as an Israeli peacemaker.
But a careful study of his life belies the false notion that he was a peacemaker. 
As a young immigrant from Poland, Peres joined the Jewish paramilitary terror group, the Haganah.

He quickly rose through the ranks of the military becoming defense minister, foreign minister and prime minister. His success was governed by assuming an extremely aggressive posture towards the Palestinians. As defense minister Peres introduced the practice of arbitrary arrests, home demolitions and extensive land confiscations.

In 1948 he participated in the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and dispossession of their land to build exclusive Jewish towns such as Karmiel and Upper Nazareth. As Defense Minister he established military garrison checkpoints which disrupted the continuity of Palestinian towns and villages, reducing them to Palestinian Bantustans.

He was responsible for establishing Israel as a military mini super power with the help of billions of support from the United States. He acted as secret liaison with France which assisted Israel in building its nuclear reactors in Dimona and the Negev Desert.
As Defense Minister in 1975 Peres granted permission for the first of many illegal settlements in the West Bank which violates US stated policy and were the main impediments to peace.

Peres’s award of the Nobel Peace Prize was a cruel gesture by the international community who watched as silent observers to decades of suffering of the indigenous people.

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