Friday, January 24, 2020

Hilary Clinton 1-24-2020

24, January 2020                   Hilary Clinton

Hilary Clinton’s vilification of Senator Bernie Sanders is shameless. Clinton and Trump have much in common. Both are thin-skinned harboring deep resentments. 

Sanders’s is running on a platform of rooting out corruption in Washington. His message has been consistent long before Donald Trump became president. In the 2016 election, Clinton was clearly embarrassed when Sanders took her to task for her close ties with Wall Street, raking in tens of thousands of dollars for short speaking engagements. 

The Democratic Party needs to do some soul searching and apologize to Sanders for its blatant partiality to Clinton when chairperson, Donna Brazile leaked questions to her prior to a critical debate. Brazile was forced to resign in disgrace but is still appearing on CNN’s Sunday morning show. 

Sanders excel at generating righteous anger at the establishment demanding health care for all Americans, a right enjoyed by all advanced democratic societies. He is the only candidate to take aim at the bloated US military. As a Jew, he has also expressed outrage at Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians and questions the rationale of rewarding Israel billions of US taxpayers’ dollars while 37 million Americans are suffering from chronic food insecurity, many living in homeless shelters.

Sanders also deserve credit for his relentless reminder of the appalling wealth inequalities in America.

Income disparities have become so pronounced that America’s top 10 percent now average more than nine times as much income as the bottom 90 percent. Americans in the top 1 percent tower stunningly higher.

Sanders constantly reminds us that the super-rich and large corporations do not pay their fair share in taxes, instead they horde their wealth and stash it in overseas tax havens. Conversely, Clinton has enjoyed incredible wealth and power most of her adult life. When Sanders lost to Clinton in the Democratic primary he still campaigned on her behalf. It is shameful she has stated she does not plan to return the favor. It is possible the 2020 election could tilt in Trump’s favor if Sanders becomes the Democratic nominee. Trump could use Clinton’s criticism of Sanders to energize his base. That would be a travesty.

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