Monday, January 13, 2020

The US has blood on its hands 1-13-2020

13, January 2020              The US has blood on its hands

The Iranian government blacklisted our military as a terrorist organization. We might come to the same conclusion after examining our dark history.

Sadly, we are the bad actors masquerading as the good guys.

The American people can be so easily manipulated by Pentagon propaganda regurgitated by “expert” media pundits who constantly feed us a diet of ‘junk breaking news’ to keep us hooked much like Facebook captures our private information and directs us to dark sites to amplify our biases and bolster their profits. 

Truth be told, we have blood on our hands, lots of it.

Geraldine Brooks, a former Wall Street reporter, covering the Middle East, reminded us that in July 1988 the United States Navy warship, Vincennes “accidentally” shot down Iran Air 655, a civilian passenger plane. Subsequent investigations assigned the blame to Capt. Rodger’s reckless aggression. To add insult to injury, Rodgers was decorated “for exceptionally meritorious conduct”. I wonder how Americans would feel if Iran pinned a medal on a man who killed 290 American civilians.

During the Iran-Iraq war, the US and the Israelis provided Saddam Hussein, with missile technology which was used to reduce the Iranian city of Khorramshahr to rubble. Subsequently, US supplied chemical agent technology to Hussein which he used on the Iranians making the US complicit in Iraq’s war crimes. America has been undermining Iran for decades beginning with the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 in a blatant theft of their oil. We further destabilized Iran with the help of Israel who trained their secret police, the Savak, who launched a reign of terror on the Iranians. The deposed Mosaddegh was replaced by a US puppet, the Shah, who returned the favor by buying $billions of unnecessary weapons to enrich US defense contractors.  We continued our meddling with the invasion of Iraq in 2003 under the pretext of hunting for Saddam Hussein, WMD’s.

Currently, the US State Department has become largely irrelevant. All decisions are made by one man, the maniacal Donald Trump who has no moral compass who reneged from the Iranian nuclear deal and imposed crushing sanctions impoverishing the Iranian people. He continues to gaslight the American public with preposterous statements. For example he threatened to impose sanctions on Iraq if they demanded the withdrawal of American troops from the American air base. There are NO American air bases in Iraq. The airbase in Bagdad belongs to Iraq and has been loaned to the Americans. The time to leave Iraq and stop meddling in other counties domestic affairs is NOW.

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