Saturday, October 24, 2020

Trump resembles world’s worst dictators 10-24-2020


24, October 2020             Trump resembles world’s worst dictators

Anne Rimoin, an epidemiologist at U.C.L.A. astutely observed that DJT closely resembles the former President of South Africa Mbeki who surrounded himself with sycophants and cost his country hundreds of thousands of lives by ignoring science.

Kim Jong-un of North Korea and former President of Uganda, Idi Amin closely match Trump’s self-adulation.

Trump’s entourage and fellow Republicans follow him in silent submission refusing to challenge their “naked leader” when he heaps immodest claims that he deserves an A plus for his “phenomenal job” handling the coronavirus. In a recent editorial the highly respected New England Journal of Medicine was fiercely critical of the Trump administration and Republicans for “recklessly squandering American lives.”

David Cutler, a software developer and President Clinton’s former Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, estimated the economic cost of the pandemic will be $16T or about $125,000 per American household – far exceeding the median family’s net worth. Devi Sridhar professor of global heath at the University of Edinburgh commented that it was “sad to the U.S. presidency fall from being the champion of global health to being the laughingstock of the world.”  We are witnessing America’s rapid decline as the richest country in the world to a quagmire of political malpractice of infectious disease, poverty, mental illness, addiction, obesity and hunger. Homeless enclaves in major U.S. cities more closely resemble slums of third world countries.

As Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State under President Clinton commented “Trump is an international disgrace -- and our country is in desperate need of a leader whose word can be trusted, whose ideals lift people up, and whose actions bring people together rather than driving them apart.”

Since the day he took office, Trump has abandoned vital diplomatic agreements, insulted our allies, and hurt our ability to work with other nations to address common threats, like the coronavirus pandemic and climate change.

His presidency has been such a five-alarm fire that many people are

desperately trying to douse the flames 

understandably consumed with trying to put out the flames or simply survive it. But there will come a day, hopefully in the not too distant future, when people have the breathing room to investigate how the fire got started.

The mess the nation faces is bigger than Donald Trump. If he is voted out in November, the people who cast ballots for him will remain, pining for the policies he promoted. About 40 percent of American voters want tariffs and a border wallMore than half say it’s important to deport more undocumented immigrants.

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