Thursday, October 8, 2020

Trump’s erratic Covid behavior 10-8-2020



8. October 2020                 Trump’s erratic Covid behavior

Following his disastrous debate performance mocking his opponent for wearing a mask, President Trump retreated to the sanctuary of the White house invoking fierce criticism of being complicit in the infection of a growing number of prominent Republicans who continue to follow their cult leader with complete abandon at super spreading events.

Tormented by the nagging thought that his VP might upend him and aching for the adoration of his supporters, DJT sauntered out of Walter Reed Hospital endangering the safety of his Secret Service Agents for a joy ride and photo op him in hermetically sealed presidential vehicle.

This was a brazen, wanton act of unconcern for the health and safety of others.

Following media frenzy on the fate of many of his staff, a blanket of secrecy was cast on the fate of other staff members. Even this close encounter with Covid and possible death did not deter many of his mask-less staff to continue to defy basic safety procedures. 

Perhaps DJT is aping the behavior of his shirtless Russian idol, Putin who unlike Trump adheres strictly to all medical procedures to ensure his own safety only communicating with his people via video-screen.

The president’s staff, including his medical team continue to send mixed messages terrified they might invoke the displeasure of the emperor and trigger a tweet storm. This was evident in the doctors “happy talk” while administering a drug regimen appropriate for a case of severe Covid.  The man who so badly bungled the health of the nation is now abysmally mismanaging the messaging for his own treatment.


It is hard to believe DJT is in any condition to continue campaigning after his first debate was a tirade of angry insults at his opponent. His behavior is a classic case of a sociopath in urgent need of psychological intervention.


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