Friday, September 6, 2024

Copy of email sent to Biden-Harris 9/6/2024

                                               Copy of email sent to Biden-Harris

I am writing to urge you to take decisive action in addressing the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. The United Nations has warned that the situation is "beyond catastrophic," with over a million Palestinians deprived of food rations and essential medical supplies due to Israel’s relentless military campaign.
In 11 months of conflict, more than 15,000 children have lost their lives, and Gaza is now experiencing its first polio outbreak in 25 years. Israel's destruction of vital infrastructure—sewage, water, electricity—has created an environment where preventable diseases are spreading rapidly. Humanitarian aid, including basic hygiene products like soap, is barely reaching the besieged population, leading to further suffering and death.
These actions cannot be justified as self-defense. The continued supply of U.S. weapons to Israel only fuels the violence and exacerbates the humanitarian crisis. The time has come for an arms embargo, not the perpetuation of a cycle of violence that disproportionately impacts innocent civilians—especially children.
I urge you to lead the international community in demanding accountability and peace. An embargo on weapons would send a clear message that the U.S. does not condone the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure and the loss of civilian lives.

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