Saturday, September 7, 2024

IDF-Settler terrorism in the West Bank escalates 9/7/2024

                                         IDF-Settler terrorism in the West Bank escalates

Israel has made Gaza unlivable, planting seeds of hatred that will last for generations. Israeli military forces (IDF) and settler extremists, armed with U.S-U.K. weapons, have been on a rampage, killing scores of innocent Palestinians. This only deepens resentment against Israel , the United States and the United Kingdom, ensuring decades of hostility.
Israel’s propaganda machine continues to justify its actions with false claims about the insurgents it has killed. The latest military operations in Jenin and across the West Bank have devastated Palestinian communities, destroying homes, businesses, and lives. Tragically, innocent civilians, including children, are among the dead.
The U.S. must reconsider its unwavering support for Israel’s military tactics. These actions not only violate human rights but also fuel a growing animosity towards Israel, the   U.S., and the U.K. making any future peace far more difficult to achieve.
If the cycle of violence is ever to end, the world, including the United States, must hold Israel accountable for its continued occupation and aggression. Peace cannot be achieved through force, but through justice and respect for human life.
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