Wednesday, September 4, 2024

US Misleading Public on Netanyahu-Hamas Negotiations 9/4/2024

                               US Misleading Public on Netanyahu-Hamas Negotiations

The U.S. is misleading the public by suggesting that an agreement between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Hamas is close. In reality, Netanyahu’s intransigence is a death sentence for the hostages.
Over the past few days, tens of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets to demand that Netanyahu agree to a ceasefire and the release of hostages held by Hamas. Despite the overwhelming public pressure, Netanyahu refuses to accept a deal, adding new demands such as Israeli control of the Philadelphi Corridor. This stubbornness jeopardizes the lives of innocent hostages and prolongs the suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians.
President Biden and the U.S. government must apply stronger pressure on Netanyahu. Empty promises of progress in negotiations do little to change the dire reality on the ground. We need a real deal that prioritizes human life over political maneuvering.
Netanyahu’s refusal to end the conflict shows a lack of regard for the lives of Israeli citizens, especially those held captive. The U.S. should not support policies that allow this tragedy to continue.

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