Friday, July 12, 2024

Gaza, horror of horrors! 7/12/2024

                                                       Gaza, horror of horrors!

I’m writing in response to the recent article, "I’m Bored, So I Shoot," which documents alarming testimonies of Israeli soldiers who admit to shooting Palestinians out of boredom. This report by Oren Ziv of +972 Magazine highlights deeply troubling actions and attitudes among Israeli forces in Gaza.
The article details accounts from six soldiers who describe a nearly complete absence of firing regulations, with soldiers shooting as they please, setting homes on fire, and leaving corpses in the streets. Such behavior indicates a severe lack of accountability and suggests that soldiers feel empowered to act with impunity. As Ziv states, soldiers were often shooting out of boredom rather than for any tactical or military reason.
Yuval Green, a reservist who spoke to Ziv, has refused to continue serving in the Israeli military, citing the need to end the ongoing war and sign a ceasefire treaty. Green’s stance is both courageous and morally imperative, reflecting a growing recognition that the current approach is unjust and unsustainable.
Moreover, the footage from Al Jazeera showing Israeli soldiers executing unarmed Palestinians is deeply disturbing and underscores the urgent need for accountability and reform within the Israeli military. The normalization of such violence, as described in the article, points to a broader policy issue rather than isolated incidents.
The testimonies of these soldiers reveal a pattern of indiscriminate violence, lack of oversight, and a culture of impunity. This situation demands immediate attention and action from both Israeli authorities and the international community to prevent further atrocities and promote peace.
It is critical that all Americans call the White House Comment Line at 202-456-1111and demand an immediate halt to all military and economic aid to Israel, an immediate ceasefire, and an end to Israel’s barbarism, mass murder, and mass starvation. This is another critical reason that President Biden must resign immediately. Our flag is soaked in the blood of innocent Palestinians.
This is another chapter in our history of violence and mayhem. The mass killing of innocent civilians in Gaza is Biden’s legacy. Israeli forces should withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank and allow humanitarian agencies like UNRWA to take control.

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